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Marraige and Love, Respectfully

I don't want to be alone.
I want to feel alive.
I don't want to be alone, either.
I want to feel alive, too.
I feel alive with you.
I do.
I wish I could be alone.
I don't feel alive.
Are you going to change? I feel alive.
Are you going to change? I don't want to be alone.
I'm not going to change.
I don't feel alive.
I'm glad it is over.
I gave up to soon.
I could have been alone a bit longer, then I would have found you.
I should've changed.
I'm not in love.
If I didn't change I would have never found you.
I am in love.
I get it.
My last breath- with you
Life did not give us time and I have wasted so much not realizing how little we have left.
It is what it is supposed to be, but that doesn't lesson the pain of the breaths I must take without you.
Remind your soul everyday that if you should leave this world before me, to return and make love to me in my dreams.
Respectfully, I believe most people ignore and suppress their soul, because they were never given truthful answers to their why's or they were/are afraid to ask.
Pain and bliss are part of the drama of life and love.
The bliss is always worth the pain.
I believe we can not live completely until we are selfish for our souls.
This means 100% of the time you must be willing to change first.

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