Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Good quality camping toilets

Are you prepared to put up with poor quality toilets when you go on a camping trip? Although many of us think of camping holidays as a budget experience, it seems strange that we're often prepared to put up with basic facilities that simply aren't of a reasonable standard.

When faced with such a situation, how do you react? If you don't make a complaint then you might want to think again. By not making your voice heard, you're not making it clear to the owner of a site that you're not happy.

Without such complaints, it's unlikely that the proprietors will do very much at all to improve the situation. That means that you'll never be able to visit that particular site with the expectation of an improved situation. That's bad news for you and also bad news for other visitors to the site.

It's better to make your voice heard. If more and more people are prepared to complain when they see problems on camping holidays then facilities will undoubtedly improve over time.

Fortunately, these improvements can be witnessed at some sites here in the UK, although the quality tends to be very hit and miss, varying considerably from one site to the next.

So how should you prepare for a camping trip if you find yourself in a position where you simply don't know what to expect? The answer is that you should probably look to assume the worst. That way, you will be prepared for any scenario that you may face.

In practical terms this means that it may well be worth your while to consider investing in a portable camping toilet. The great advantage of such products is that they enable you to take your own facilities with you, thus ensuring high standards of hygiene.

The big disadvantages of such products have previously been that they can be bulky and that they often require chemicals. The bulk of them can be a real problem if you are short for space when loading your car.

The chemicals are clearly not good for the environment and you'd need to be careful not to leave them where they could be accessed by children or pets.

So is there a better solution? There is a new range of folding portable camping toilets that don't make use of any chemicals. These are fully environmentally friendly and much easier to transport. Finally this means that there are good quality camping toilets available here in the UK.

Consider spending some money on one of these new models to avoid the worst elements of camp sites. Prepare for the worst and you may even be pleasantly surprised if you're lucky enough to visit a high quality site.

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