Health & Medical Hearing

How to Insert Hearing Protection

    • 1). Roll the ear plug back and forth between your thumb and forefinger so that it becomes a small, compressed cylinder. Generally, ear plugs compress to approximately 1/3 their original size.

    • 2). Carefully insert the compressed plug into your ear. However, do not force it in so far that it could damage your ear drum. Hold the ear plug in place for 20 to 30 seconds, allowing it to expand and close off the outside noise from your ear.

    • 3). Test your ear plugs before you enter a noisy environment. Place both hands over your ears and listen. There should not be any difference to the environmental noise if you have inserted the plugs correctly. If you can tell the difference, pull out the ear plugs and re-fit them into your ears. If you still detect a change, you may need to purchase a larger size, or different style.

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