Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

How To Make Money in the Cell Phone Business

If you are thinking about trying to make some extra money without taking on a second job somewhere outside of your home, why not stop and consider trying to make money off of the mobile/cell phone business? There are several different things that you can do to make money with cell phones.
For instance you could become an authorized reseller for a cell phone provider or you can sell accessories.
Below are a couple of things that could help you bring in some extra cash.
Authorized Cell Phone Retailer
- There are cell phone companies out there that will allow, under contract, like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and U.
Cellular, for people to become retailers or outside sellers of their mobile phones.
All you have to do is to get a hold of their business divisions and find out exactly what you need to do to be able to get started doing something like this for their company.
You won't be starting blind either, all of these companies will more than likely have who they call a "Master Agent" to help you get set up and ready to sell the phones and offer a variety of services to customers.
Sell Cell Phone Accessories
- Most people who have cell phones, especially good ones are always wanting accessories for them.
You can easily set up your own accessories shop right online and you don't even have to have any Internet knowledge at all.
You can just go to Volusion and use the software there to set up your own store on their server.
If you don't want to do it through the internet you can set up a small stand or kiosk at your local mall.
Here you can sell a variety of things like cell phone covers, cell phone chargers, car chargers, Bluetooth headsets, etc.
You can easily find a variety of different things to sell by simply getting in touch with cell phone accessory wholesalers.
Two different wholesalers you can check with are NuCourse and Tessco.
Selling Unlocked GSM Devices
- It's called the "Unlocked Market" and what this is, is non-carrier provided phones or phones that are not specific to just one carrier and will work with several different carries.
Of course these phone are a lot more expensive but may be well worth it for a lot of different people.
These phones also are able to get worldwide coverage for their users.
These phones are sold by companies like Plemix and Brightpoint.
Affiliate Marketer
- You can join popular affiliates like Commission Junction and Linkshare which back a lot of the different phone providers.
If you create a website or blog that is geared towards cell phone communications, you could add these affiliate programs to your website or blog.
This means that if anyone clicks on these links and then buys something you will make a percentage of the sale.
If you decide to do this however, make sure that you believe in the product or products that you are trying to sell.
It is easy to figure out whether or a not a person believes in a product.
Consumers are not stupid.

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