Business & Finance Careers & Employment

The Law and Part Time Vacancies

Part time vacancies have existed long before records began. It is important to understand recent legislation about part time work. Studies showed that the UK has the second highest percentage of people employed in part-time work. An average 18% of the population in Europe work part-time, but in the UK this figure is 24%. Well over 7.4 million people over 16 have part time jobs. Although there has always been a relatively higher supply of part time jobs available, protection for these positions has not been in line with their importance.

The 'Part time Workers Regulations' legislation was introduced in 2001. This is aimed at preventing part time workers from receiving less favourable treatment. New rights were established to highlight the Government's desire to establish a decent minimum standard across the board, whilst keeping the workforce flexible, and not unduly debilitating businesses. These measures have introduced persons with part time jobs to the following entitlements:

The same hourly rate of pay.
Identical access to benefits on a pro rata basis, for example, company pension schemes.
Identical entitlements to holiday leave on a pro rata basis.
Identical entitlements to maternity and paternity leave, also on a pro rata basis.
Identical entitlement to contractual sick pay.

Employers must make the efforts needed to provide part time workers with identical entitlements to other benefits received by full time workers, such as company car, health insurance etc. These should also be calculated on a pro rata basis. It is not sufficient for a company to suggest that these benefits are prohibitively expensive to implement. The company must justify their decisions on objective grounds, if their with part time vacancies are not offered similar packages.

Knowing exactly what you are entitled to from a part time job puts you in a very strong position. Research and good background knowledge are unquestionably the most important things. Factors like distance to work, flexibility of hours worked and work environment can all make a huge difference. Part time vacancies that are both enjoyable and flexible around your schedule may not pay as much as others, but because of these plus points they may be the best option. Consider the whole package as well as associated benefits/disadvantage. If you are looking for a contract, you should know why you are not being offered one. A contract makes your employment more legally binding and gives you much more security.

Be realistic in your demands and expectations from part time vacancies. Although the legislation should prevent any discrimination against you, in many cases part time worker are not perceived as important as full time workers.

The recent legislations are applicable to any kind of work. If you're considering getting a part time job at a pub you should also be entitled to the same treatment as full time workers and fringe benefits. Your hourly wage should be in line with the National Minimum Wage. Current hourly rates are as follows:

There are different levels of NMW, depending on your age. The current rates (from 1 October 2009) are:
5.80 - the main rate for workers aged 22 and over.
4.83 - the 18-21 rate.
3.57 - the 16-17 rate for workers above school leaving age but under the age of 18.
If you are of compulsory school age you are not entitled to the NMW. Some of your other employment rights are also different. These rates apply to both full time and part time jobs.

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