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How to Create Free Multiple Domains in One Account

    • 1). Find a web host that offers free hosting of add-on domains. An add-on domain is a website domain that resides in a sub-directory of the main hosting account. Hosts that offer this service may allow for one or more add-on domains. Look for one that offers free multiple domains.

    • 2). Buy one hosting account from the chosen host and register a domain. This is the main domain on the account. Buying a domain involves choosing the name and entering DNS server information, which can be obtained from the web host. Those new to web hosting should know that it takes about one or two days for a new domain to "propagate" and appear on the Internet.

    • 3). Buy the add-on domains. An add-on service does not give the actual domain names away for free. Rather, the domain gets hosting at no additional charge. Choose the domain name and enter the same DNS information as the main domain.

    • 4). Set up the add-on domain in cPanel. Enter the domain name in the first field without the "http://" and the "www." For example, if the domain name is, simply enter "" as the domain name. The software then automatically fills in the other fields except for the password. Choose a different password than the password for the main domain. Ask the host for help in adding the domain if that host uses a different system.

    • 5). Edit the add-on domain from inside its assigned folder (directory). This directory resides inside the directory of the main domain. However, visitors who visit the web address of the add-on domain see only that domain. They do not see the main domain, so the add-on domain is a separate entity as far as the visitor is concerned.

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