Business & Finance Home Based Business

Make Money With Cell Phone - Cell Phone Cash Review

A new product on the market, Cell Phone Cash. The creator of this system, Mack Michaels  claims to have made money with cell phone amounting to over $328,000 profit in just the first month. When I read something like this all the red alarm bells start going off and flashing scam. In the few years I have been involved in internet marketing one of the golden rules I have learned is that if something seems too good to be true, avoid like the plague. To earn money online there is no such thing as get rich quick honestly.

As usual though curiosity got the better of me and I read the sales pitch page and watched the video's. I was pleasantly surprised that it was not about selling phones (too much competition, just walk down the local mall). It also was not about rehashed make money online information such as blogging, pay per click and all the many others.

Having reached the end of the sales page I was intrigued, and what convinced me to try it out was that fact that it was only $25 and the guarantee that if you do not make any money it is free. So what the hey, give it a try, always looking for something new and if you can get in early on even better.

What the cell phone cash system turned out to be was a video coaching course that teaches you a new and unique way of how to make money online leveraging the power of the cell phone, promoting products and services to users. With over 4.3 Billion cell phones in use world wide and tens of thousands more everyday, the potential is incredible.

Just some of what you will learn in the cell phone cash coaching course includes
  • Setting your personal income goals using cell phones
  • Learning the basics so you can start straight away and make a quick profit in just a few hours
  • Finding the best products
  • How to protect your new income stream from competition
  • Create a recession proof marketing machine
  • Simple methods to find your target market
  • How to develop your marketing content to dominate your niche
  • All pros and cons
  • How to compress it all into a 8 hour week
  • How to make 7 figures in the mobile industry using this course
  • And much more...

Being the eternal skeptic even after buying the product I went through the first module and found it very easy to understand and follow. A day later I was confident enough to give it a try and did in fact make a profit. Enough to cover the course and get me excited enough to go through the rest of the modules. Another good thing about this making money online system is that you do not have to pay for online advertising and no need to research for article writing.

One minor downside that I could come up with is the monthly recurring $25 fee. But there is 24/7 support and as the course is continually being updated and revised to help you earn even more money online the benefits more than out weigh the negative.

To conclude, my opinion Cell phone cash is a unique money making system that teaches you step by step a NEW  way to make money online with cell phone. With a huge untapped market the potential is virtually limitless. If you want to get into the making money online business then this system is well worth a try.

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