Alaska Fly In Fishing
">Alaska fly in fishing [<br] brings visions of adventure, untouched wilderness and crystal clear streams teaming with fish. Remote rivers and streams with access only available by air, Alaska offers one of the most unique experiences available to any fisherman. With 5 species of pacific salmon, rainbow trout, dolly varden and grayling, there is no shortage for excitement spent on the water in Alaska for sport fisherman.
One of the more popular forms of Alaska fly in fishing is the float trip. Flying to a remote stream, the floatplane will unload fisherman at the head of a stream for a few days of roughing it, fishing all day and camping on the banks of the stream at night. One of the best ways to cover a great deal of water, the float trip offers incredible adventure with world class fishing. With a sun that sets in the Alaska summer around 2 AM, more than enough fishing time is available on one of these memorable Alaska fly in fishing trips.
Another form of Alaska fly in fishing is the remote camp unguided. Some outfitters and lodges in Alaska have remote camps they shuttle fisherman to that are looking for remoteness but prefer to stay in one location. Flying in by float plane to a predetermined camp, the fisherman are off loaded and left to themselves for a few days of fishing prime rivers and lakes. The outfitter or lodge provides tents and camping equipment, but camp duties such as cooking and clean up are left to the fisherman.
Alaska fly in fishing is the ultimate fishing trip for any sport fisherman. The last week of July offers a golden opportunity to catch all 5 species of pacific salmon to lucky anglers every two years, with pink salmon only making their runs on even years. Fat rainbow trout are a staple in Alaska growing fat on sockeye smolt all year before making way for the mighty king salmon. Scenic, rugged beauty and world class fishing make Alaska a top choice for any angler looking for the trip of a lifetime.