Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Filing Accidents Claim Now A Breeze With Smartphone Apps

Here is some good news.

Major automobile insurance companies have developed and put in market applications for smart phones that allow users to document data about a crash and everything related to it.

These ingenious applications are crafted to make personal injury claims process easier for clients to understand.

There is even more good news. These applications are available not only for iPhone, but for Android phones as well.

Reporting accidents claim from the palm of your hand sounds unbelievable, but it is now true.

An accident is an overwhelming experience for any individual.

Answering questions about claims and policies can make the individual even more stressful. In such a situation if an easy-to-use mobile application is at hand, it will become easy to log on to the application website, view policies, pay bills, and report claims.

We have been experiencing the convenience of smart phones by logging on to the internet, booking airline and hotel tickets, shopping for goods or doing anything just about that we can do on our laptops.

Now imagine if you can report and track claims on your smart phone. A mobile application has now features, such as:

€ Mapping locations using GPS

€ Taking photos of damage

€ Collecting information from the other driver and witnesses

€ Submitting the claim

€ Searching for auto repair shops nearby and scheduling an inspection

Such innovative features in a mobile phone should be welcome for personal injury law firm in Toronto.

As one personal injury lawyer put it, €We fully understand that accidents claim processes are daunting for victims. The concept that a claims process can be made accessible to all is surely welcome.€

Many lawyers may be skeptical to start with, but eventually they are sure to understand the benefits.

One claimant was able to take photos of damage of his car after an accident and send it to his lawyer straight-away through application. The lawyer received it and in no time approved the images for use in the accident claim.

For accidents claim, such an application can be god send to claimants to keep themselves up to date with their claims progression anywhere and at all times. It can be a wonderful communication channel between an accident injury law firm and their clients.

Advances in mobile phone technologies have been ground breaking in the past few months. Speech recognition has expanded. You can speak complex commands like setting reminders that will alert you at a specific GPS location. Bluetooth Health Device Protocols can connect to heart monitors and do step counting while jogging or running.

There is no reason why a mobile application should not be around that helps people who have suffered crashes to be able to file accidents claim.

In the United States, some of the accident-focused applications even offer information on tow-truck services, nearby hotels, car rentals as well as a hot button to dial 911 directly.

Yet, none of the applications negate the requirement to file a report, if one is necessary.

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