Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Invisible Hypnosis - Part 3

In this installment of the invisible hypnosis series, we take a closer look at the use of hypnosis in everyday situations.
We will cover some basic applications, as well as some more specific moments when hypnosis could be used to better the lives of yourself and others around you.
Let's first look at the basic techniques of hypnosis.
The general theory is to cause your subject to act on suggestions you give them - and the deeper in hypnosis they are, the less restrictions are placed on the suggestions.
Broken down, we can see that the components of a hypnosis session can be applied to other situations.
Take the induction, for instance.
Technically speaking, this can only be used to cause a person to enter a hypnotic state, but the key here is to then utilize that state without your subject knowing.
Covert hypnotists use covert inductions all the time, using eye fixations or confusion in order to put pressure on their subject to accept a suggestion.
Simple in theory, but as any hypnotist will tell you, getting a hypnotic induction into everyday conversation is much harder in practice.
Next we shall look at the suggestion side of the coin.
When hypnotists give suggestions to a subject, they often use language techniques to increase the odds of their success.
Take, for instance, the dissociation principle - when dealing either with the catalepsy or amnesia phenomena, it is common to refer to the target (e.
the arm) in such a way as to think of it as separate from the subject themselves - "that arm", as opposed to "your arm".
It is possible to take such techniques and use them with relative ease in real life, using them to increase the power of suggestions.
Finally, and in an ironic way, it is time to consider the elements of a pretalk.
For those who don't know, a pretalk is a short dialogue between the hypnotist and the subject, designed to alleviate any fears the subject may have and prime them for entering a hypnotic state.
The basic techniques involved in the pretalk can be applied to general conversation - take the classic ploy, telling stories (where the hypnotist recounts a past experience which turned out positively, and is relative to the subject), which can greatly increase the credibility of any points you make.
If we put all these together, we have a manual for influence.
If you are a hypnotist by hobby or trade, then it will be easy for you to chop and change the techniques as you see fit - but for those of us still human, below is a little example - designed to influence a person to agree to the terms of a written contract or agreement.
Hi there, great to meet you, have we met before, please sit down! So where exactly are you from, and please like what you see there.
Now of course, I would find it really easy to make those sorts of decisions, and I was dealing with a client the other week who was a little nervous at the start, but he realized that it was fine, just go for it.
Now let's take a closer look.
This piece is designed to be said quite quickly, giving the subject no time to refuse.
In the first sentence, there are two secrets - a question to distract, followed by a simple command to sit down.
Ideally this begins to condition the subject into following instructions.
The second sentence is similar.
We use the process of confusion, asking a person "exactly" where they are from, at the same time telling them to "like what you see".
The seemingly obvious command will go unnoticed by the subject's conscious mind, but set up the subconscious for the kicker in the final sentence.
Three things happen there.
First, a dissociation - "those sorts of decisions" - then, a story - "I was dealing with a client the other week" - and finally, an embedded command - "it was fine, just go with it".
If you take out the general small talk, you end up with a very simple set of instructions: Please sit down.
Like what you see there.
It is fine, just go for it.
Pretty cool, no? See how you can put hypnotic techniques into your everyday speech, and then see what happens - you will be surprised! Happy hypnotizing, Ben Lawson Want to find out more? Visit the website! http://invisiblehypnosis.

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