Health & Medical Depression

How to Help Someone Going Through Depression

It is a basic human need to be loved, sought after, accepted and approved of.
Hence the popularity of toiletries, grooming aids, parties and in this day and age, social-networking sites.
Suffice it to say it's because no one likes to be alone all the time, and definitely not when they are facing life's challenges.
Now, if about 1 in 6 American adults are said to be going through depression, then it's safe to say several people may need emotional support to deal with the mental encumbrance.
Folks, since depression if often-times characterized by an immense feeling of sadness, mood-swings, low-self esteem, if one has to help out in assisting someone going through depression, do be aware that is indeed a task that cannot be undertaken easily.
However, since you may be in the position to give help and render support, you automatically could be the stronger one in this scenario.
Therefore, based on this realization, here are some tips that you could implement to assist someone who may be dealing with depression.
Try to be in close physical proximity with the person in question leaning on you for support.
Hugs, embraces and empathy do play a huge role in this case.
Admittedly, for guys this may be a bit awkward depending on the scenario, but I am quite sure discretion would be applied if and when needed.
In the event that things are a bit more severe and if the person is acutely suicidal, do not leave him or her alone.
Excessively patronizing them with empty promises like "everything will be fine" if you both are truly not sure of that might not be a good idea.
In other words, unless a solution may be on the horizon, don't make comments like that.
Honestly, they could backfire actually.
Stay in contact with them via phone calls, texts, emails etc 5.
Depending on the scenario, try to cheer them up by suggesting things like going out, working out together etc.
If you are of a religious background, try prayer power.
Moreover, if either of you are religious or better still of similar faiths, praying together will be a great idea as it says in Matt 18:19-"Where 2 or more are gathered in my name, there will I be.
" It should be stressed that although this is not the complete list of what to do in regards to assisting someone going depression, what I have been able to suggest thus far may not hurt and could in fact help immensely.

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