Health & Medical Parenting

Herbs to Stop the Flow of Your Breast Milk

Sometimes weaning your baby can be a very painful time.
But always remember, whenever there is a will, there is always a way.
The simplest way to relieve this pain is to sit in a hot bath and gently press round the nipple and let some breast milk go just to let a bit of the pressure off.
Hot flannels help to relieve the pressure too.
But you can't stay there forever.
There are several herbal treatments that have often been used for hundreds of years that can stop breast milk faster.
The most effective remedies for both the pain and inconvenience of lactation is the use of cabbage leaves.
Put chilled cabbage leaves inside your bra.
They are amazingly soothing and effective.
The cabbage leaves are just the right shape and the coldness relives the pain.
Just replace the leaves with fresh ones each time they warm up.
Parsley has long been celebrated for use as an herb to stem the flow of lactation.
It is also one of the easiest herbs to use as well.
The reason being that parsley is an easy herb to add to many dishes without drastically changing the flavor when cooking.
Besides parsley, a lot of people recommend sage to stop breast milk production.
Use a half teaspoon of dried sage to make as tea.
You may take sage tea 3 times a day for 3 days.
This is the most effective tea but spearmint and peppermint are both good and many women find the taste better.
But if you don't like tea that much, you may add sage into vegetable juice.
Jasmine flowers crushed can be added to the breasts.
It is suppose to work.
Other herbs that can decrease breast milk supply are Chickweed, Black Walnut, Yarrow, Sorrel, Lemon Balm, Oregano, Periwinkle Herb.
Many different foods might contain herbs that you should either avoid or eat more.
So the back of food packets should always be checked.
After all even if you take the appropriate herbs to stop breast milk production, there are some food or herbs that stimulate breast milk production.
Try to avoid raspberry, fennel seed, fenugreek teas, brewer's yeast, oatmeal and nettle while you wean your baby.

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