Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Ms Ray"s Acai Berry - Why the Famous Rachel Ray Recommends This Diet

Rachel Ray and Oprah Winfrey are ecstatic over the health benefits of Acai Berry.
The famous Dr.
Oz who is often featured in Oprah's show is positive about the health benefits from this superfruit.
But for us regular folks, it's important not just to take celebrities' word for it, but also to really understand what is so great about this now very famous berry.
The Acai berry (pronounced as ah-sigh-ee) is a fruit that grows on Acai palm trees in the Amazon rainforests in Brazil.
They are quite small, purple in color and quite similar in appearance to grapes and blackberries.
But these small berries pack quite a punch! Let us discover why celebrities and so many more people are crazy about this diet.
This fruit tastes quite unlike any other fruit - it's been said to have a creamy after taste that has been compared by some to chocolate.
Wow, how is that for a diet? If diets tasted like chocolate then we should all be going on a diet binge, right? Anyway, Ms.
Ray recommends this pure superfruit because of its high antioxidant content.
Acai has 10 times of grapes antioxidant level of and two times that of blackberries.
Combined with colon cleansing, the benefits our body will derive are boundless.
It flushes away toxins from our bodies which can rid you of excess weight from 5 to 20 lbs and a flatter stomach in no time.
Acai berries contain so much protein and nutrients that one feels full and less hungry all time so you end up eating less.
It helps to increase your metabolism to burn fats stored in our bodies and at the same time gives us that needed boost of energy.
I have heard a lot of people with fatigue syndromes who have found their cure in this amazing fruit.
And if having a great and healthy body is not enough to make you want to try this new superfruit rave, then think about this: This superfruit helps prevent premature aging relieves pre-menopausal syndromes and fights cancer cells.
There is nothing like Ms.
Ray's Acai berry, health wise.

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