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Will Heaven Be On Earth Forever After Christ Returns?

Understanding Jesus' Return in the First Century Christ's return is not in the future but in the past.
Jesus' return was connected to the event known as the destruction of Jerusalem in A.
Luke describes this event as the time when all things written would be fulfilled, (Luke 21:20-22).
In connection with that event was the coming of the Christ in the clouds, (v.
27), the coming of the day of redemption (an eschatological event, v.
28, --compare Ephesians 4:30) and the coming of the kingdom of God, (v.
All of the preceding were said to take place within Jesus' own generation, i.
during the time of the people who were contemporary with him.
He emphatically stated that that generation would by no means pass away till all those endtime events enumerated above took place, (Luke 21:32).
See also Matthew 24:34.
If we believe Christ always spoke the truth, we must accept his words.
Will We Remain On Earth Forever? Secondly, the earth will abide forever.
There are many passages which demonstrate this but the one which is most appropriate for our study here is Ecclesiastes 1:4.
One generation passes and another comes but the earth abides forever.
Generations will come and go, but the earth remains.
While it is true that the earth remains forever, it is not true that we as individuals will remain on earth forever as our permanent or heavenly home.
Jesus was raised up and ascended back to the throne of God and is seated at his right hand, (Acts 2:30, 34).
Paul, staring death in the face had a desire to depart and be with Christ which was far better, Philippians 1:23than to remain on earth.
He also stated that to live was Christ, but to die was gain.
21) Thus, for the Christian there is a gain in death.
Granted Paul wrote this before the end of the age had come, but we will show that Jesus' purpose was for death to continue to be the means of transition from this world to the heavenly for those who are saved.
Physical Death Not Eliminated God's plan and purpose for physical death have not been eliminated.
Physical death is an appointment for all men.
It does not separate us from God.
(Romans 8:38).
We may die physically and yet live with God.
"He who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.
" (John 11:26).
When Jesus taught the Jews, "if a man keep my saying he shall never see death," he spoke of spiritual death, i.
of eternal life through a relationship with God.
, not of one's biological demise or the aversion to it.
Sitting in Heavenly Places Although life on earth in the kingdom of God is not "heaven," it is heavenly.
We, per Ephesians 1:3 are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ.
Further, Paul says God raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenlies, i.
places, in Christ.
(Ephesians 2:4).
Christ is therefore a person and a place as we are "in Him.
" It is not uncommon to speak of being "in" a person.
A mother carries her baby inside her womb.
We figuratively speak of being into a person when we admire or "dig" them.
Thus psychologically and emotionally we are into them.
Spiritually, we are in Christ.
As Jesus was from above, i.
from heaven and not from beneath, to be in him means to be in a heavenly place.
Likewise, Christ is said to be "in us.
" And To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
(Colossians 1:27)
After Jerusalem fell, denoted under the figure of Mystery Babylon in Revelation, (14:8), the angel pronounced blessings upon those who die in the Lord from henceforth, (Revelation 14:13).
That marks the time from the destruction of Mystery Babylon, (first century Jerusalem) as noted above.
That is when Hades was destroyed, spiritual death was defeated and man enabled through biological death to depart this life, can be with Christ.
Prior to this time, he could only wait in Hades.
This is why Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were longing to enter the heavenly country/kingdom (Matthew 8:11, 12; Hebrews 11:13-16.
) To summarize, though life for mankind will continue on earth, life for an individual man does not.
One's time here is relatively short (James 4:13).
However, during this time on earth if one responds to the message of Christ, he can be born again in the Spirit.
In that realm, he receives eternal life, a life which transcends his biological death allowing him to live with or gain Christ in death.
To this end Christ died, that whether we wake (live) or sleep (die), we should live together with him, (1 Thessalonians 5:10).
Copyright (c) 2006 by William Bell.
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