Health & Medical Lose Weight

Losing Your Belly Fat - 2 Secrets You Need to Know

Is it that time of year where you once again are thinking that it's time to lose that belly fat? Has your partner now got more to hold onto when it comes to your love handles? Have you tried to lose weight on the latest fad diet that promised to help you lose that belly fat with a magic pill, or that infomercial gadget that showed a gorgeous looking model with ripped abs using a machine claiming you can shrink your stomach with just 5 minutes of exercise a day? Seriously! When you get down to it there are two key principles you need to lose your stomach fat and change your life forever.
Principle 1 - How to structure your workouts.
The key here is to stimulate fat-loss around your stomach.
You should know that spot-reduction DOESN'T work.
Despite your best efforts you will not see ripped abs by spending time doing endless repetitions of crunches, leg lifts, and torso twists.
 Abdominal exercises will certainly help strengthen your core and assist with maintaining a healthy back.
But achieving an overall loss of body fat is best achieved through time spent focussing on exercises that workout the largest muscle groups like the legs, chest and back.
You may ask why these exercises?  It's simple.
Exercises that focus on large muscle groups increases your metabolic rate which means you burn energy at a greater rate both during the exercises and for the 1 to 2 days.
As an added bonus, the exercises increase the fat-burning hormones within your body.
Secret 1 - Large Muscle Group Exercises will really help you lose that unwanted belly flab for good.
Principle 2 - Improve your nutrition NEWS FLASH...
A little biology lesson for you.
If you restrict your intake of one or more of the macro-nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates or fat) most of the time you will actually lose lean muscle (the good weight you want to keep) and lower your metabolic rate.
You'll also affect your body's hormonal balance; affecting the processes for regulating your insulin and blood sugar levels, which will see your fat loss cease.
A lower metabolic rate combined with hormonal imbalance = FAT LOSS STOPS! You should aim to eat a diet containing varied foods obtained from natural sources and including proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
You body will appreciate the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes it needs to burn fat and help you lose that body fat.
Secret 2 - Ensure your diet contains food from each of the macro nutrients to maximise your body's fat-burning engine.

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