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Learning About Western Pleasure Show Class

Anyone new to the world of equestrian competitions should spend time learning about the different requirements for each class. Western pleasure show classes have been popular for many years. They were originally developed to allow owners and riders the opportunity to present their horse in front of a judge and demonstrate how easy and comfortable he was to ride.

Even small local horse shows are typically well attended and competition is intense. Riders train for years to keep their skills as competitive as possible. Most people work with a trainer who has had years of experience in the ring. They know all the tricks of the trade and can help their students move up the rankings.

A fast trot can be very difficult to sit to. By slowing the pace down to a slow jog the rider stays balanced and comfortable. The horse should still demonstrate athletic ability and move forward. The rules state that each pace must cover the ground. There has been a lot of controversy in recent years that the horses are moving too slow and not covering the ground. However many riders are unwilling to change as they fear not being placed by the judge.

The riders in many western classes are famous for their flamboyant outfits. It often seems as thought the flashier the outfit the better. This is not the case in the pleasure classes. Riders are attired in more somber but practical outfits, in keeping with the original aim of the class.

Riders who are serious about showing will often buy a horse specifically to compete in one class. These horses are highly trained to put on a faultless performance. It can be very hard to win a class and the horse and rider team must be really in tune with each other and give an impeccable performance. Many people spend a lot of money on their horse and want to have the best chance of winning.

Turn out is an important part of showing. The horse must be bathed and groomed to perfection. Their mane should be trimmed neatly and banded with a contrasting color elastic band. Great conditioning is a product of a healthy diet and lifestyle. The horse must receive high quality food and plenty of fresh water. Being outside to stretch their legs and eat some grass is also important to both their physical and mental well being.

There are also complaints that the horses gaits are just to slow. Although it is very comfortable for the rider to sit to, a very slow jog is quite unnatural and does not even look good. Often the horse appears to be shuffling along and not striding out at all. The lope is also shown at a very slow pace. It takes a lot of training to achieve this but it is not always attractive to watch.

Competing in a western pleasure show is a fun thing to do. Both horse and rider need to practice and really know what the judge is looking for. It takes many years of training to compete at the higher levels and working with a good trainer really helps.

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