Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Use the Rules of Speed Dating for a more Successful Relationship

A lot of people all over the world have found their special someone through dating. The conventional way of dating still works for most individuals. However, as years pass, there are new techniques that people learn when it comes to dating. One of the newest crazes that people engage in is speed dating. This new form of matchmaking gives an individual to meet and date more than 1 person in one night. Some may even get the chance to date 10 people or more. How does this happen?

Before telling you how speed dating is done, it would be best for you to know first where it originated. It all started in 1999 when Rabbi Yaacov Deyo has established the idea. It was based on a tradition of the Jews. From Jewish singles, this type of dating has flourished until it became globally known and recognized. At the present time, a lot of individuals find this activity very helpful especially if they cannot wait any longer for the special someone to come in their lives. Now that you are familiar with its origin, you are ready to know more about how the dating activity works and how it is carried out.

Speed dating is very exciting. It allows you to meet the person you want to be with faster. However, you have to know the basic rules and how it works so that you can achieve a desirable result. If you are considering the possibilities of engaging in this kind of dating game, read through the rules that will let you know more about how it is done. This will also help you understand why a lot of people have been willing to take part in his kind of dating activity.

Dating is an activity that two individuals share. In a speed dating, there are groups of equally numbered male and female participants who are gathered in one place. Every individual is given a specific time frame to meet all the members of the opposite sex. When the time is up, a whistle is blown and this is a queue to find another partner. At the end of the night, you have already met everyone in the group of the opposite sex.

After you have spent three minutes with each member of the other group, a sheet of paper is distributed where you would tick on the people who you think would give you a great time. Before the night ends, the organizers would assess the results and determine potentials partners. The decision would be sent to all the participants via email which would include the contact number of the other person.

A lot of people might be questioning as to whether speed dating works or not. Based on actual outcome of the date, there has been an excellent rate of success. Although not all participants might approve the turnout of the activity, there are also a lot of couples who find love and share the journey with each other.

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