Paranormal Research Devices
- Audio recorders can be used to pick up ghostly Images
Humans have traditionally been captivated by the mystery of ghosts, spirits, and other paranormal phenomena. Today, paranormal investigators use modern technology in their explorations. Armed with a battery of research tools, both complex and simple, the curiosity seeker or paranormal researcher can attempt to detect and document evidence of the other-worldly. The following tools of the trade can be employed for ghost-hunting. - According to the Paranormal Research Society of North America (PRSNA), any camera is capable of photographing ghosts, but better models, naturally, will take better, clearer pictures. Both digital and film cameras can be used. ISO 400-800 film is good for analog photography, and infrared film, while expensive, can capture an even broader range of images. Digital cameras with a zoom feature and high resolution are ideal.
- Paranormal researchers can use both digital and analog audio recorders to pick up sounds. Analog recorders use tape, and their digital counterparts store audio as digital media. Special features, like "conference mode" (which captures sounds farther from the microphone) and "voice activation" can assist your hunt.
- This equipment, as its name implies, is used to see in the dark--especially handy for conducting paranormal research in dimly lit settings. The PRSNA suggests using goggles with an infrared feature, which will permit vision in areas with absolutely no light.
- Camcorders have the obvious benefit of capturing both sound and moving image, and can serve as an "extra investigator" to complement human eyes and ears. Reviewing video footage after an investigation might also turn up phenomena that the investigator missed the first time around.
- Thermometers are a simple but indispensable tool in paranormal research for their ability to pick up on sudden or unexpected temperature changes. Such changes may signal the presence of a ghost. A normal outdoor thermometer can be used, but an infrared thermometer, which uses a targeted infrared beam to read the temperature of select spots, is better suited to the task. Try an infrared thermometer with a Type K probe, which gauges temperatures at a distance as well as the surface, air, or internal temperature at the device's location. Additionally, a multizone thermometer uses wireless technology to transmit temperature data from several differently located sensors, good for monitoring paranormal phenomena in various rooms.
- EMF detectors measure the electromagnetic field. Disturbances of, or changes to the electromagnetic field can signal the presence of paranormal activity. Many paranormal researchers opt for "multi-field meters," which are EMF detectors that combine both magnetic and electronic readings in one device.
- A radiation monitor, also referred to as a Geiger counter, is an important part of the ghost-hunter's repertory. By monitoring a location's x-rays, alpha rays, gamma rays, or beta rays, the device tracks radiation changes that may be provoked by spirit activity in the vicinity. Look for a radiation monitor with an illuminated display window for easy readings in the dark.
- EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) devices allow you to listen to EVP picked up on televisions, tape recorders, and other gadgets. The professional paranormal researcher will look for a digital EVP recorder which can upload data onto a PC or, even better, a real-time recorder that channels EVP as it happens live.