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P220G Engine Specs


    • The Onan P220G engine uses a two-cylinder, four-stroke design. It has a total piston displacement of 782 cubic centimeters, or 48 cubic inches. and a total power output of 20 horsepower. The engine has a bore (cylinder diameter) of 82.55 mm (3.25 inches) and a stroke (piston traveling distance) of 73 mm (2.87 inches). The piston pin bore ranges from .6877 and .6881 inches. The oil pressure regulating valve has a length of .5 inches at 2.6 lbs. of force.

    Torque Specifications

    • The engine has a connecting rod cap nut has a torque of about 159 +- 9 inch-lbs.. The exhaust pip cap screw has a torque of 97 +- 27 lb-in. The intake manifold attaching cap screw has a torque of 53 inch-lbs. The gear housing cap screw has a torque of 88 inch-lbs., while the oil pump to cylinder has a torque of 97 +- 9 inch-lbs. The flywheel cap screw has a torque between 50 and 55 foot-lbs. The cylinder head attaching cap screw has a torque of 180 +- inch-lbs.


    • The engine's carburetor float level has a 1 mm height from the edge of the bowl, while the carburetor float drop has a 5 mm depth below the edge of the bowl. The breaker point gap opening measures .41 mm. The engine has a governor cup travel of 5.6 mm, a intake lobe height of 29.7 mm and an exhaust lobe height of 29.5 mm. Camshaft clearance ranges from .038 to .076 mm, and total piston-to bore-clearance ranges from .076 to .127 mm. The piston pin bore measures between .6877 and .6881 inches, while the rod-to-crankshaft bearing clearance measures .051 to .084 mm. The crankshaft bore I.D. measures 41.35 to 41.36 mm, and the engine has a bearing clearance ranging from .061 to .097 mm.

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