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Exploring Your Faith with Catholic Tours

Catholic tours provide a great opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. Participants are get together to see the sights and experience the culture. A knowledgeable tour guide accompanies the party to make the travel experience more interesting.

Catholic pilgrimages follow the same formula with a special twist. In many ways, religious tours are exceptional because they urge participants to reflect on various aspects of their faith. Traveling to an unfamiliar place suddenly means much more than shooting photos and taking in the sights. Pilgrimages are meant to be spiritual journeys that aim to bring participants closer to God.

In the old days, centuries into the past, pilgrimages entailed some form of penance or sacrifice for them to be truly fulfilled. Several Catholic tours still operate like this, such as the Way of St. James, which is an 11-day walking tour to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain. Pilgrims walk the thousand-year-old route to reach the burial site of St. James the Great, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ.

With hotel accommodations and comfortable walking gear, the walking tour does not have to be grueling as it used to be. But pilgrims of old were also more accustomed to walking long distances from town to town, and this does not diminish the integrity of the journey.

Every Christian is called into the company of the Lord. Through Catholic tours, a person can respond to this call and embark on a journey of spiritual reflection and enlightenment. Often, the lessons learned during a pilgrimage will stay with the pilgrim for the rest of his life.

Resource Box:

206 Tours helps Christians gain a better understanding of their faith with Catholic tours to various religious sites around the world. The New York-based tour operator organizes pilgrimages to Israel as well as to European shrines and centers of Marian devotions. Learn more about 206 Tours by visiting or calling 1-800-206-TOUR.

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