Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Does Wu-Yi Tea Really Burn Fat?

The new Wu-Yi tea diet has been taking the world by storm in the last year.
They are loaded with promotions from celebrities and political figures, claiming the best weight loss solution ever made! There is no doubt that the Wu-Yi tea diet has been working wonders for many people across the nation, but how does it work, and what does it do? Can you really burn up 20 pounds of fat just by drinking this delicious beverage a few times a day? Wu-Yi tea is loaded with a substance that is present in all tea, but especially in Wu-Yi.
The substance triggers enzymes in your body that will boost your metabolism very quickly and start burning up your fat with little effort.
Granted, if you do work out and diet along with your tea, your results will obviously be better.
However, in a case study of 150 Japanese women in 2006, it was proven that Wu-Yi could cause weight loss on it's own.
The women were split into three groups.
One group was given water after a meal, the other green tea, and the last Wu-Yi tea.
The women who were given the Wu-Yi tea claimed to experience a much greater fat loss and a huge boost in energy.
Results have consistently been great with Wu-Yi tea, causing participants to lose anywhere from 10-30 pounds in just a couple months.
Participants have also claimed to keep the fat off after the initial process.
As I stated above, you will lose more weight if you are able to follow a regimented diet and workout plan, but it is not a necessity.
Drinking Wu-Yi tea has also been known to have great health benefits as well.
According to Dutch research, people who drank the tea decreased cholesterol in the arteries and were 46% less likely to develop problems do to cholesterol.
Wu-Yi has been said to decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease.
In an 2005 study of women who had previously experienced breast cancer who drank 5 cups of tea a day were 50% less likely to have a recurrence of cancer.
The same study on men who drank 1 cup of tea a day had a decreased risk of colon cancer.
Finally, in the same Dutch study of 800 men proved drinking a cup of tea a day reduced heart disease by 48%.
As you can see, this diet is definitely one that has and will do great things for anyone.
Wu-Yi tea has been around for centuries in China, and consistently keeps people skinny and healthy, and now you can do the same thing! A 2 week trial is available at the site below.

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