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3 Reasons For Poor Tv Reception And The Solutions

No Signal

If theres no signal, do a step by step check to make sure everything is plugged in where it should be. Refer to the manuals for all your audio visual equipment if you are unsure. Unless you are in an extremely remote area, you should be able to receive some sort of signal (at least a channel indicator for digital tv if there is no picture)

Some integrated audio visual solutions involve several pieces of equipment. One might have a television, DVD recorder, and stereo all interconnected. If you have just added one new piece of electronics to this puzzle, then you may be able to isolate the problem.

If all components worked prior to the latest change, then the issue may be with the connections to the latest piece of equipment, or this piece of equipment may be faulty itself. If you believe the problem to be a connecting cord, then try changing cords around to see if this is the case. If you believe it is the new piece of equipment, then you can try plugging that in on its own to confirm one way or the other.

Weak Signal

The type of signal you get depends on whether your tv and video equipment is set up to receive analog or digital signals. Unless you are in Mildura, where old analog signals have already been turned off, you are likely to be able to receive both analog and digital signals (Incidentally, Australias analog broadcasting is progressively being phased out, with the last analog transmissions ceasing in 2013. Its therefore high time to start getting ready for the advent of digital only transmission).

If one is trying to receive an analog signal (if you havent yet upgraded to newer digital capable television equipment, this is you!), then a weak signal is noticeable by a grainy or indistinct reception. For those trying to receive a digital reception, it is likely to be all or nothing either you get a crystal clear picture, or most likely you have a screen that is totally blank (save the channel indicator).

Interference or ghosting on an analog signal may be helped by a switch to digital tv, which doesnt suffer from such problems. A snowy picture on analog tv, or no picture at all on a digital transmission suggests a need for a solution that increases the signal strength. An amplifier or booster for your tv antenna is the most likely solution.

Location Specifics

The aforementioned problem comes about from poor reception. This could be due to one being in a location far from the nearest TV transmitter. In other situations one might be close to the nearest transmitter, but if one is in a valley, or blocked by other obstructions like buildings or trees, this may also lead to a poor tv picture. Repositioning an antenna as high as possible, as well as boosters mentioned before may help.

Poor tv reception is not something that should be suffered and put up with. If a quality picture cant be received on your television, then it is worthwhile calling in the experts to make sure this is swiftly rectified.

Technicians involved in Antenna Installation Perth are most likely to be able to resolve the problem

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