How to Get Mineral Water Benefits Without Buying Bottled Water
You can get mineral water benefits without buying bottled waters.
And, you don't have to buy expensive mineral revitalization water purification systems.
All you need is a simple countertop device that costs less than a month's supply of Perrier.
Natural mineral water benefits digestion.
If you drink something that is de-mineralized, such as distilled waters, you will create an acid pH in your stomach and intestines.
You will be prone to have heartburn and aggravate acid reflux.
Knowing this, some companies have introduced mineral revitalization water purification systems.
They use expensive and unnecessary reverse osmosis which removes all traces of the naturally occurring minerals and then they add their selection of the best minerals for your health.
One company chooses to use manganese.
Manganese is an essential element, but is only necessary in extremely low quantities.
Excessive quantities can cause liver and kidney damage.
They advertise that consuming this beverage on a regular basis will improve many health conditions, including chronic fatigue.
The entire list of conditions they mention on their website is too lengthy to mention here.
Since, there is no scientific evidence to support their claims, I rest my case.
Naturally occurring mineral water benefits the delicate electrolyte balance that is required for proper hydration.
The two most import electrolytes are sodium and potassium.
They may be referred to as minerals or electrolytes.
Either term is acceptable, but technically, they are minerals when they are in the ground.
They are electrolyte ions when they are in the human body.
Manganese is not an electrolyte.
Home purifiers are an absolute necessity these days and companies that sell mineral revitalization water purification systems have a large target audience to pull from.
But, the removal of contaminants and impurities can be accomplished without reverse osmosis.
The best choice for most homeowners is a multi-stage system that includes a sub-micron filtration step.
Sub-micron filtration is similar to reverse osmosis, but it is less expensive and creates no wastewater.
Mineral revitalization water purification systems create gallons of waste-water.
This is bad for the environment and bad for the homeowner's budget.
A multi-stage purifier that includes ion exchange allows you to have mineral water benefits and also removes toxic lead and annoying traces of copper.
Lead, you probably know causes learning disabilities and behavioral problems in children.
It also causes high blood pressure and heart disease in adults.
It's presence in drinking water is due to the pipes that it travels through, as is copper.
Copper is merely annoying, because it stains fixtures causes odor and bad taste.
Through ion exchange, the two metallic ions are exchanged for the electrolyte ions, sodium and potassium.
Thus, you have an endless supply of mineral water benefits flowing out of your kitchen tap, as long as you change your filters regularly.
You can enjoy the best shower that you've ever had with an ion exchange filter for your showerhead.
But, you have to be careful mineral revitalization water purification systems make a device for the shower as well.
They are very expensive because they include rare Japanese rocks that are supposed to imbue your waters with health giving qualities.
Once again, there is no science to support their claims.
In both the shower and the kitchen you want a device that includes a carbon filtration step to remove chlorine and other chemicals.
You'll have softer skin and a healthier future.
Mineral water benefits are not the only thing that you need for safety and good health.
You need purity, as well.
And, you don't have to buy expensive mineral revitalization water purification systems.
All you need is a simple countertop device that costs less than a month's supply of Perrier.
Natural mineral water benefits digestion.
If you drink something that is de-mineralized, such as distilled waters, you will create an acid pH in your stomach and intestines.
You will be prone to have heartburn and aggravate acid reflux.
Knowing this, some companies have introduced mineral revitalization water purification systems.
They use expensive and unnecessary reverse osmosis which removes all traces of the naturally occurring minerals and then they add their selection of the best minerals for your health.
One company chooses to use manganese.
Manganese is an essential element, but is only necessary in extremely low quantities.
Excessive quantities can cause liver and kidney damage.
They advertise that consuming this beverage on a regular basis will improve many health conditions, including chronic fatigue.
The entire list of conditions they mention on their website is too lengthy to mention here.
Since, there is no scientific evidence to support their claims, I rest my case.
Naturally occurring mineral water benefits the delicate electrolyte balance that is required for proper hydration.
The two most import electrolytes are sodium and potassium.
They may be referred to as minerals or electrolytes.
Either term is acceptable, but technically, they are minerals when they are in the ground.
They are electrolyte ions when they are in the human body.
Manganese is not an electrolyte.
Home purifiers are an absolute necessity these days and companies that sell mineral revitalization water purification systems have a large target audience to pull from.
But, the removal of contaminants and impurities can be accomplished without reverse osmosis.
The best choice for most homeowners is a multi-stage system that includes a sub-micron filtration step.
Sub-micron filtration is similar to reverse osmosis, but it is less expensive and creates no wastewater.
Mineral revitalization water purification systems create gallons of waste-water.
This is bad for the environment and bad for the homeowner's budget.
A multi-stage purifier that includes ion exchange allows you to have mineral water benefits and also removes toxic lead and annoying traces of copper.
Lead, you probably know causes learning disabilities and behavioral problems in children.
It also causes high blood pressure and heart disease in adults.
It's presence in drinking water is due to the pipes that it travels through, as is copper.
Copper is merely annoying, because it stains fixtures causes odor and bad taste.
Through ion exchange, the two metallic ions are exchanged for the electrolyte ions, sodium and potassium.
Thus, you have an endless supply of mineral water benefits flowing out of your kitchen tap, as long as you change your filters regularly.
You can enjoy the best shower that you've ever had with an ion exchange filter for your showerhead.
But, you have to be careful mineral revitalization water purification systems make a device for the shower as well.
They are very expensive because they include rare Japanese rocks that are supposed to imbue your waters with health giving qualities.
Once again, there is no science to support their claims.
In both the shower and the kitchen you want a device that includes a carbon filtration step to remove chlorine and other chemicals.
You'll have softer skin and a healthier future.
Mineral water benefits are not the only thing that you need for safety and good health.
You need purity, as well.