Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Potty Training Your Puppy Or Dog

Although there are many different dog training methods, all dog owners would agree that house training is vitally important.
It isn't easy but it can be done.
Regardless of which method is chosen, patience and commitment on the part of the dog owner will help to ensure success when potty training a dog or puppy..
Routines are necessary when house training any dog, but crucial when working on potty training with a puppy.
Plan on taking them out at the same times each day as much as possible.
First thing in the morning, twenty minutes or so following meals, after exercising or playing, and just before bedtime are the minimum.
If you are working on training a puppy and you are home, you may initially want to take him outside every hour or so for the first few weeks.
As he grows, his bladder will get bigger so he won't have to go outside as frequently.
If you are away from home, leave him in a relatively small uncarpeted area and put down newspapers.
And, if you use a crate, be sure to always put his bathroom paper in the same spot in the crate, away from his sleeping area.
Equally important is to establish a consistent feeding schedule.
This will help to regulate when your dog or puppy needs to go.
You may want to encourage him to eat when he's fed.
To do this, give him the opportunity to eat then remove any uneaten food.
(However, be sure to leave fresh water for him at all times.
) He'll soon learn to eat as soon as he's fed.
It's difficult to predict a bowel movement if you don't know when he's eaten.
Whether potty training a dog or a puppy, choose a single word to signal that you are taking him outside to use the facilities.
Be sure to praise him or offer a reward when he does as expected, so he can associate "going", with good things.
If he doesn't go, don't praise or reward him.
He will soon learn what is expected.
With any puppy, expect accidents.
When these happen don't punish.
Simply pick him up, use the signal word, and put him outside in the designated bathroom area.
Praise or reward him if he goes at this time.
Also, be sure to thoroughly clean up the area where he had the accident so he does not associate this spot with a bathroom area.
If you have tried everything and your dog consistently uses the inside of your house as his bathroom, pay a visit to your veterinarian to ensure there is no physical reason for his accidents.
If there is no physical problem, you may want to consider using a professional dog trainer to assist with your training program.
Above all be patient and loving with your puppy.
Try not to stress out about house training him.
Potty training a dog or a puppy will take time but you will be successful if you stick with it.

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