Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Drunk Driving Accidents Are Negligent and Responsible Parties Need to Be Held Accountable

Auto accident is one of the leading causes of death in the United States.
According to the latest data, more than forty thousand deaths have resulted from automobile accidents in 2009.
Roughly seventy percent of such high mortality rate is attributed to Driving Under the Influence, or DUI, and Driving While Intoxicated, or DWI.
In fact, out of the six million auto accidents that occur in America, more than half is caused by DUI or DWI.
In many of these instances, debilitating injuries or wrongful deaths ensued.
This just goes to show that drunk driving, or driving while intoxicated is a reckless act that could endanger other motorists plying the same route.
However, since there really are individuals who do not seem to care about this fact, auto accidents caused by DUI and DWI continue to rise.
If you or a loved one have been victims of DUI or DWI, and suffered debilitating injuries as a result, you are within your right to claim for compensation due you.
Nobody wanted to figure in an accident, particularly the catastrophic ones that cause victims to lose their limbs, or worse, an untimely death, but the fact is accidents do happen and they strike at an unforeseen time in an unexpected place.
However, what makes it even worse is when those who are perceived to be at fault are driving under the influence of liquor, or driving while intoxicated with dangerous substances.
Everyone knows that intoxicating substances, once it enters the system, can impair one's ability to comprehend the things that go on around them.
Their vehicles may have featured in some magazine as the safest car of the decade, yet in the hands of drunk drivers, it becomes a lethal weapon.
If you have been victimized by a drunk or intoxicated driver, it is always a good idea to get in touch with an experienced auto accident attorney.
They can ensure that whoever is responsible for any physical injuries you sustained, or property damage you suffered, will fairly compensate you.
Drunk or intoxicated driving is always treated by the law as an aggravating circumstance that carries a stiff penalty.
In order to achieve justice, however, you need to have a good lawyer that will make certain such penalty is served on the persons responsible for what happened.
Once the party is found guilty of the offense, your lawyer can immediately commence the civil action for damages.
If the accident caused you to sustain a great degree of physical injuries, damage claims can include reimbursement of medical costs, including rehabilitation costs or ongoing care.
You can also file a claim for lost income due to inability to work and generate earnings because of the injuries sustained from the accident.
The emotional pain and suffering at having been made to endure physical injuries at no fault of your own can also be included by your lawyer in your damage claim.

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