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Watching Love End With Sadness and Strength

The flowers weep..
the bees won't buzz...
the trees won't bloom..
and all because...
The essence that once filled the air has gone and left them in despair..
despair that's known to those who try with attitudes of do or die who take the chance and risk it all in spite of how much they could fall.
Who dare to dream that love will last and not be ruled by a painful past who take the steps courageously into the world of vulnerability.
Who know that love is worth the risk and chance the fall into a dark abyss and if they watch their dream then shatter they know the heart is all that matters..
a heart once full with love abound now sits in loss on hollow ground a loss they knew might come around but worth a love that's so profound..
and so they share their heart's great pain still knowing the risk was not in vain they don't hold back their endless tears as they try hard to sooth their fears..
fears that make them want to doubt and question, "why the turn about?" they ponder all that came before now feeling dazed and so forlorn..
and so they hang their heads and hearts watching all they loved just fall apart and ache inside with stinging pain while teardrops fall like stormy rain.
But now surrounded by loving light they pray for strength with all their might and in their prayers they find a place where acceptance grows..
and comes with grace.

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