10 Weight Loss Secrets of "Big Losers"
It's no wonder shows like "The Biggest Loser" are so popular.
The ratings for weight loss shows rival the dollars spent by junk food companies that push fat and sugar! Studying what all the most successful "losers" have in common, I've come up with these 10 "secrets" of the "big losers.
" 1.
Make a plan 2.
Set reasonable, reachable goals 3.
Write it down 4.
Exercise! 5.
Find encouragement 6.
Drink Water! 7.
Get enough rest 8.
Eat a balanced diet 9.
Eat more often 10.
Prepare for temptation! Secret #1: Make a plan! Think carefully about how you are going to achieve your desired weight loss.
What will you need to change as far as shopping, schedules, eating out, etc.
? Secret #2: Set reasonable, reachable goals! You didn't put those extra pounds on overnight, so they won't come off overnight.
Start with something you KNOW you can do - one pound a week is much more achieveable than two pounds a week.
Be ready to revise your goals and not beat yourself up about it.
Secret #3: Write it down Take out some paper.
Write down exactly how you are going to lose those pounds.
Also write your long and short term goals.
A long term goal might be "lose 50 pounds.
" A short term goal might be "lose one pound this week" or "don't eat junk food this week.
" Secret #4: Exercise! Weight is lost in two ways.
One is to eat fewer calories than the body burns.
The other is to burn more calories than the body consumes with exercise.
So be sure to include the RIGHT kinds of exercise in your plan.
Secret #5: Find encouragement A diet and exercise program is lonely business.
Find online and offline weight loss groups for support.
You can also find encouragement in books written by those who have done it.
Secret #6: Drink Water! Water cleans out your system, flushes toxins, and prevents dehydration.
It's vital to stay fully hydrated, especially when you are dieting.
Secret #7: Get enough rest It's easier to keep going when you aren't sleep deprived and cranky.
And let's face it, when you're sleeping you're not eating or THINKING about eating ;-)! Secret #8: Eat a balanced diet Forget low carb, low fat, no carb, no fat, no this, no that.
You need a little of everything.
Eat good quality food that's heavy on the fruits and vegetables and lighter on everything else.
You can stay on a balanced diet for a lifetime, and that's the whole point.
Secret #9: Eat more often Eating six small meals a day is better than eating three large meals.
Your body doesn't get too hungry, and your blood sugar and metabolism are more stable.
Secret #10: Prepare for temptation! When you know that you are going to be in an over-eating temptation situation, prepare for it! Eat a substantial but low calorie snack before you leave home.
If you aren't hungry, it's a lot easier not to cheat.
The ratings for weight loss shows rival the dollars spent by junk food companies that push fat and sugar! Studying what all the most successful "losers" have in common, I've come up with these 10 "secrets" of the "big losers.
" 1.
Make a plan 2.
Set reasonable, reachable goals 3.
Write it down 4.
Exercise! 5.
Find encouragement 6.
Drink Water! 7.
Get enough rest 8.
Eat a balanced diet 9.
Eat more often 10.
Prepare for temptation! Secret #1: Make a plan! Think carefully about how you are going to achieve your desired weight loss.
What will you need to change as far as shopping, schedules, eating out, etc.
? Secret #2: Set reasonable, reachable goals! You didn't put those extra pounds on overnight, so they won't come off overnight.
Start with something you KNOW you can do - one pound a week is much more achieveable than two pounds a week.
Be ready to revise your goals and not beat yourself up about it.
Secret #3: Write it down Take out some paper.
Write down exactly how you are going to lose those pounds.
Also write your long and short term goals.
A long term goal might be "lose 50 pounds.
" A short term goal might be "lose one pound this week" or "don't eat junk food this week.
" Secret #4: Exercise! Weight is lost in two ways.
One is to eat fewer calories than the body burns.
The other is to burn more calories than the body consumes with exercise.
So be sure to include the RIGHT kinds of exercise in your plan.
Secret #5: Find encouragement A diet and exercise program is lonely business.
Find online and offline weight loss groups for support.
You can also find encouragement in books written by those who have done it.
Secret #6: Drink Water! Water cleans out your system, flushes toxins, and prevents dehydration.
It's vital to stay fully hydrated, especially when you are dieting.
Secret #7: Get enough rest It's easier to keep going when you aren't sleep deprived and cranky.
And let's face it, when you're sleeping you're not eating or THINKING about eating ;-)! Secret #8: Eat a balanced diet Forget low carb, low fat, no carb, no fat, no this, no that.
You need a little of everything.
Eat good quality food that's heavy on the fruits and vegetables and lighter on everything else.
You can stay on a balanced diet for a lifetime, and that's the whole point.
Secret #9: Eat more often Eating six small meals a day is better than eating three large meals.
Your body doesn't get too hungry, and your blood sugar and metabolism are more stable.
Secret #10: Prepare for temptation! When you know that you are going to be in an over-eating temptation situation, prepare for it! Eat a substantial but low calorie snack before you leave home.
If you aren't hungry, it's a lot easier not to cheat.