Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Belly Fat Risks

There are Doctors that say a catchy term for that too-familiar round belly, they call it the "apple" shape.
This is a different shape that on must pay attention to.
If your fat has settled on the buttocks and thighs, Doctors call that a "pear" shape.
Don't get caught up on the names because belly fat (aka visceral fat) is serious business.
One of the mindful things to do is get an understanding of this, which is one of the first things to do.
"A big waist puts you at an increased risk for many health problems -- diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke".
Even scrawny people can have unhealthy "hidden" belly fat Research has shown that fat may be folded deep inside the belly around the stomach organs, visible only by CT or MRI imaging.
Belly fat can affect people with the same health risks as someone with a more obvious big girth according to researchers.
Getting rid of belly fat should be a priority for all us if we want to maintain good health! Indeed, belly fat is a key index of "metabolic syndrome," a clump of abnormalities that include high levels of blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides, as well as low levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.
This can compound the risks and have an impact on mortality from heart disease.
Belly Fat: Menvs.
Women Risks Men incline to collect more belly fat than women, and it starts early in life.
"In adolescence and post-adolescence, men begin collection of abdominal fat".
It's one of the reasons men have more coronary disease than women.
In one study, men obtained a surplus of belly fat and a large waist were most at risk for what researchers call "all-cause mortality" -- early death from any cause.
Belly fat can spark cardiovascular problems; a big belly has also been linked to erectile dysfunction in men over age 60 as well.

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