Making a more secure voicemail environment
Lost amidst the various attacks and phone hacking scandals is the fact that some of the cyber criminals who orchestrated these types of phone and voicemail security assaults were able to do so in a very easy manner. While some of them necessitated hardcore coding and hacking skills, there were some who were able to easily access the supposedly secure phone and voicemail networks.
This may be attributed to a couple of things. First off, some providers were really underprepared for these kinds of issues when it came to phone and voicemail security. As such, they were ill equipped to handle it once the attacks started. The other reason is that while there may already be some security measures in place, some of the subscribers chose to not avail of them because they found doing so a hassle or a minor inconvenience and annoyance.
To help avoid becoming another victim, here are a couple of tips that you can use:
Increase the strength of your voicemail security password
One of the more basic things that a subscriber could do would be to try and increase the strength of their voicemail password. At first, some people may think that it is difficult as they are only allowed a 4 digit password and would have to select it from 10 numbers (0-9). While they may have a point, you can still make it a bit more difficult for amateur attackers to enter your voicemail system.
One way to do this is to avoid the common mistake of just using the basic 1234 password. You could also try to avoid using your birth date or birth year to make it more difficult to guess.
Use a secure voicemail provider:
Of course, strengthening your password will only protect you for a very short time. There are some voicemail hackers who could actually attack your email by guessing all possible combinations in just a short period. If you would want to truly strengthen your voicemail security, you may want to look into dedicated secure voicemail providers.
These companies are able to really utilize advanced military grade technology in order to protect your private conversations. Through their specialized techniques, it would now become a very difficult endeavor for hackers to be able to access your account.
While these companies may cost some money, it is more than worth it for an increase in your voicemail security.
This may be attributed to a couple of things. First off, some providers were really underprepared for these kinds of issues when it came to phone and voicemail security. As such, they were ill equipped to handle it once the attacks started. The other reason is that while there may already be some security measures in place, some of the subscribers chose to not avail of them because they found doing so a hassle or a minor inconvenience and annoyance.
To help avoid becoming another victim, here are a couple of tips that you can use:
Increase the strength of your voicemail security password
One of the more basic things that a subscriber could do would be to try and increase the strength of their voicemail password. At first, some people may think that it is difficult as they are only allowed a 4 digit password and would have to select it from 10 numbers (0-9). While they may have a point, you can still make it a bit more difficult for amateur attackers to enter your voicemail system.
One way to do this is to avoid the common mistake of just using the basic 1234 password. You could also try to avoid using your birth date or birth year to make it more difficult to guess.
Use a secure voicemail provider:
Of course, strengthening your password will only protect you for a very short time. There are some voicemail hackers who could actually attack your email by guessing all possible combinations in just a short period. If you would want to truly strengthen your voicemail security, you may want to look into dedicated secure voicemail providers.
These companies are able to really utilize advanced military grade technology in order to protect your private conversations. Through their specialized techniques, it would now become a very difficult endeavor for hackers to be able to access your account.
While these companies may cost some money, it is more than worth it for an increase in your voicemail security.