Words Of Encouragement For A Woman Facing Infertility or Miscarriage On Mothers Day!
In a few days it will be mother's day here in the United Kingdom.
It is a day when mothers all over the world are celebrated by their husband's and children.
If you are not yet a mother I know you may feel a little bit low in your spirit.
I want you to know that God has not forgotten you.
There are times in our lives that it may look like God has forgotten us and it in those times that we must remember bible promises like these ones and hold on tight to them: God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you," Hebrews 13:15.
God has promised that he will never leave you or forsake you even in the darkest hour of your life.
He says to you, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
Isaiah 43:2.
These kinds of promise make me just dance and dance before the Lord.
No storm is big enough to take anyone down who trust in Him.
I love God's word and I love worshipping God.
These have been the keys that I have used to overcome so many challenges in my own personal life.
Toady, let me encourage you once again, the bible says, as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; psalm 103:13.
The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.
This means that God is sympathetic; he cares, and is full of kindness and consideration for you.
God is truly concerned about you and will always love you.
You may have faced some delays in having a child but God has not denied you children.
There a story in the bible about a couple who had to wait for so many years to have a child.
Let us visit their story today in the book of Luke chapter one of the bible.
This is a good example of fruit bearing in old age.
Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist was the wife of a priest who lived in the hill country of Judea and served in the temple of God in Jerusalem.
Elizabeth experienced infertility and had to wait many years to have a child.
Her experience is also reflective of the attitude people put on when delay appears to become a denial.
Delays are frustrating and can easily make you look away from God.
People are quick to forget that the scriptures cannot be broken, delays are never denials.
God has never failed before to rescue those who look up to him.
When the angel of the God appeared to Zechariah and said, "Do not be afraid Zechariah for your prayer is answered" His response was "How I can know this, I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in age," Luke 1:18.
From his response we can see clearly that even though this man of God was praying, in reality he did not expect his prayers to be answered.
He had given up and accepted the childless situation in his marriage.
May be you have gone through the same route as this couple, and done all you know to do, without result I still want to encourage not to give up.
God will still come through for you.
If you were to read carefully through Luke one you will see that the blessing which was promised this couple by way of John the Baptist was unique in the sense that Elizabeth's pregnancy was rightly timed by God.
It could not have been earlier; neither could it have been later because the child whom she bore was to be the forerunner of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If he had been born at the time they desired, he would have been too old for the ministry he was called for and if he had come later, he would have been too young.
This should encourage you today to know that even though you may have experienced some delay in childbearing God still has good plans in mind for you.
If you experience delay in conception or any area of your life you need to understand also that some circumstances are for specific reasons and you will experience joy on the appointed day.
God is meticulous about vision and that includes yours.
You must know that your vision and its fulfillment are for an appointed time.
Elizabeth's case shows how glory is "born" in the womb of barrenness.
Who would have known that Elizabeth, and Zechariah, very old couple would one day be the parents of a child of Triumph.
So it is not what the situation says but what God says that matters.
God says, "All things works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose", Romans 8:28.
Elizabeth and Zechariahs case was for the glory of God and their blessing had to be called by its proper name.
John was the name given by the angel of God which means the gift of God'.
The birth of John the Baptist was not the making of man; it was the Working of God.
I want to say to you today, wait for the Lord, do not faint, do not fear, your God will come and glorify you as a happy mother of children.
Look for books and materialsthat speak of faith and trust in Gods word and read them and build your faith up.
On this mothers day spend the day in praise and thanksgiving to God.
Pray for all the mothers in the world and wish them well.
Rejoice and celebrate with them.
As you do this God will glorify his name in your life.
I agree with you that by this time next year, you too, will be a happy mother of your own child.
Praise the Lord!
It is a day when mothers all over the world are celebrated by their husband's and children.
If you are not yet a mother I know you may feel a little bit low in your spirit.
I want you to know that God has not forgotten you.
There are times in our lives that it may look like God has forgotten us and it in those times that we must remember bible promises like these ones and hold on tight to them: God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you," Hebrews 13:15.
God has promised that he will never leave you or forsake you even in the darkest hour of your life.
He says to you, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
Isaiah 43:2.
These kinds of promise make me just dance and dance before the Lord.
No storm is big enough to take anyone down who trust in Him.
I love God's word and I love worshipping God.
These have been the keys that I have used to overcome so many challenges in my own personal life.
Toady, let me encourage you once again, the bible says, as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; psalm 103:13.
The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.
This means that God is sympathetic; he cares, and is full of kindness and consideration for you.
God is truly concerned about you and will always love you.
You may have faced some delays in having a child but God has not denied you children.
There a story in the bible about a couple who had to wait for so many years to have a child.
Let us visit their story today in the book of Luke chapter one of the bible.
This is a good example of fruit bearing in old age.
Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist was the wife of a priest who lived in the hill country of Judea and served in the temple of God in Jerusalem.
Elizabeth experienced infertility and had to wait many years to have a child.
Her experience is also reflective of the attitude people put on when delay appears to become a denial.
Delays are frustrating and can easily make you look away from God.
People are quick to forget that the scriptures cannot be broken, delays are never denials.
God has never failed before to rescue those who look up to him.
When the angel of the God appeared to Zechariah and said, "Do not be afraid Zechariah for your prayer is answered" His response was "How I can know this, I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in age," Luke 1:18.
From his response we can see clearly that even though this man of God was praying, in reality he did not expect his prayers to be answered.
He had given up and accepted the childless situation in his marriage.
May be you have gone through the same route as this couple, and done all you know to do, without result I still want to encourage not to give up.
God will still come through for you.
If you were to read carefully through Luke one you will see that the blessing which was promised this couple by way of John the Baptist was unique in the sense that Elizabeth's pregnancy was rightly timed by God.
It could not have been earlier; neither could it have been later because the child whom she bore was to be the forerunner of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If he had been born at the time they desired, he would have been too old for the ministry he was called for and if he had come later, he would have been too young.
This should encourage you today to know that even though you may have experienced some delay in childbearing God still has good plans in mind for you.
If you experience delay in conception or any area of your life you need to understand also that some circumstances are for specific reasons and you will experience joy on the appointed day.
God is meticulous about vision and that includes yours.
You must know that your vision and its fulfillment are for an appointed time.
Elizabeth's case shows how glory is "born" in the womb of barrenness.
Who would have known that Elizabeth, and Zechariah, very old couple would one day be the parents of a child of Triumph.
So it is not what the situation says but what God says that matters.
God says, "All things works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose", Romans 8:28.
Elizabeth and Zechariahs case was for the glory of God and their blessing had to be called by its proper name.
John was the name given by the angel of God which means the gift of God'.
The birth of John the Baptist was not the making of man; it was the Working of God.
I want to say to you today, wait for the Lord, do not faint, do not fear, your God will come and glorify you as a happy mother of children.
Look for books and materialsthat speak of faith and trust in Gods word and read them and build your faith up.
On this mothers day spend the day in praise and thanksgiving to God.
Pray for all the mothers in the world and wish them well.
Rejoice and celebrate with them.
As you do this God will glorify his name in your life.
I agree with you that by this time next year, you too, will be a happy mother of your own child.
Praise the Lord!