Health & Medical Lose Weight

Prozac & Weight Loss

    How Common is Weight Loss?

    • Fewer than 2 percent of all people experience the side effect of weight loss while taking Prozac. Normally, the amount of weight loss someone experiences is only a few pounds. It is possible, however, to experience significant weight loss while taking Prozac.

      If the weight loss is unwanted or if it is significant weight loss, consult with your family physician. It is not normal for someone to experience significant weight loss, and you may need medical advice or attention. Your doctor can prescribe other medications that can treat depression.

    How Does Prozac Cause Weight Loss?

    • Some side effects of Prozac may cause weight loss, including loss of appetite, diarrhea or nausea. It is common for someone taking Prozac to experience these side effects and have minor weight loss as a result. After taking Prozac for a while, these side effects do seem to go away.

    Type 2 Diabetes

    • Some people with Type 2 diabetes take Prozac as a weight loss medication. Studies have shown that people with Type 2 diabetes who take Prozac can lose up to twice as much weight as opposed to taking weight loss medications such as Xenical. However, the amount of weight lost over a 24-week period was only about 11 to 13 pounds. Prozac has proved helpful for those with Type 2 diabetes needing to lose weight, but it is not the answer for weight loss.

    Prozac and Weight Gain

    • While some people may want the side effect of weight loss, it is possible to gain weight while taking Prozac.

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