Health & Medical Mental Health

A Journey of Transformation

Six months prior to my twenty-fifth birthday, in April of 1990, my body suddenly became overwhelmed with a very heavy fatigue.
To give you a better perspective on what it was like, think of your worst flu.
Then magnify it by ten.
Now imagine feeling like that everyday for over a decade.
This is what is known as chronic fatigue syndrome and it is very real.
It affects millions of people a year in America alone.
When I reached the age of twenty-five, the stress, anxiety, and self-inflicted mental abuse that I allowed my body to endure since childhood had finally caught up with me.
My life, as a result, was being put on hold.
Even though I appeared to be healthy on the outside, this was far from the truth on the inside.
Depression quickly followed as I struggled to keep my head above water.
Two severe auto accidents when I was a teenager caused a spinal subluxation so advanced that it eventually led to severe chronic fatigue, TMJ, and chronic dizziness.
The dizziness escalated to where it felt as if I had just gotten off a roller coaster every time I walked.
The whiplash damage to my spine only exacerbated another problem, known today as "heavy metal toxicity.
" This was created when my dentist put eleven amalgam (mercury, silver & nickel) fillings into my mouth all at once when I was fifteen years old.
My body unknowingly was being overloaded with mercury, the most toxic element on earth, second only to plutonium.
Over time, the mercury seeped into my tissues, organs, even my bones.
My immune system was slowly but surely being suppressed.
After receiving guidance from my dentist, I decided to take action.
In 1992, I had all eleven mercury-laden amalgams replaced with non-toxic porcelain fillings.
But even though the source of the mercury was removed, the toxic metal still remained inside my bones, tissues, and cells.
And so the chronic fatigue remained.
Four years later in 1996, I was introduced to Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care.
Its philosophy is simple; the brain stem controls the nervous system which controls the immune system and every organ in the entire body.
By keeping the brain stem's housing, specifically the top two vertebrae completely aligned and free from nerve interference, the rest of the spine and skeleton will automatically realign itself, thus restoring the nervous system to its optimal healthy state.
As a result of this realignment, the body is allowed to regenerate tissue, repair damage and heal.
After receiving upper cervical chiropractic care for three years, in 1999, my dentist recommended that I purchase an infrared sauna to detoxify the mercury from my body.
I'll never forget the first time I used an infrared sauna.
It was so relaxing and calming.
My anxiety dissipated as soon as I got in it.
After each session, I felt cleansed and purified.
I knew immediately that I had received a revolutionary healing product that could be used in the privacy of my own home on a daily basis.
I called it my "rejuvenation chamber.
" In the months that followed, my energy gradually returned.
Eventually I started to exercise again.
Slowly and steadily my life began to change.
My motivation for becoming an infrared sauna distributor went from making money to helping others.
I knew that the money would take care of itself if only I could learn to give first.
As my attitude continued to change, so did my health.
But it wasn't easy, nor did it happen overnight.
It was a cyclic process that took many years.
I learned that patience and persistence bestow upon us far greater rewards than the quick and easy path.
Sometimes I would move forward, sometimes I fell back.
But I didn't give up and kept my thoughts focused on one thing; healing.
Today, I am in perfect health, full of energy and am thoroughly enjoying everyday of my life.
The great teacher of experience has shared with me her wisdom and we are now, in turn, sharing it with you.
Beyond the upper cervical chiropractic care and infrared therapy, I have learned many other home remedies, products, and techniques that have helped my body restore itself back to health.
And now I am devoting my time and energy to my personal coaching practice so that I can help others to achieve the extraordinary wellness that I have.

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