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Learn The Truth About Landscaping With Rocks

If you landscape with rocks, you can create a very individualized backyard and garden. Rocks come in different shapes, sizes and colors. If you run out of ideas when using different elements, then use rocks as you can never run out of ideas with rocks. Rock adds a natural detail to your landscape and they can produce a myriad of effects subtly

Rocks can produce a hardscape which is referenced to anything in your landscape that is not of a plant variety. Plants are called softscape as opposed to hardscape. Hardscape elements do not react to wind and are named hardscape for that reason. In order to keep your plants still and quiet, you can position your rocks in an area that will keep the winds calm and flowing gently. Rocks can be used to secure the plants, or support the plants, without being obvious. Be sure to learn the difference between fake rocks and real rocks.

Geologists have categorized real rocks into three types: Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks, and Metamorphic rocks. The igneous rocks have a smooth and glassy finish; sedimentary rocks are grainy caused by sediments within the rock; and metamorphic rocks are a combination of the two (igneous and sedimentary). Fake rocks feel lighter and can be made customized in accordance to what you want. The fake rocks can be used if you have a plan on how your garden should look. The fake rocks are lighter because they are hollow on the inside.

Do not be restrictive in your choice of rocks for landscaping. The shape of the rock can mimic various things, i.e. a small round or oval rock can look like an egg. The inspiration that such an egg will bring can be for a garden that looked like a nest. A large boulder can be used to sit or lean on. A rock with a lot of dents and holes can be used as a planter for venous plants.

When you landscape your garden with rocks, you cannot just consider the rock's personality and function, as there are other things to consider. You have to be sure that your elements are well balanced and are complimentary to one another. What kind of feeling do you want when you are in your garden? What can your budget stand to landscape the garden?

Think about the effect and feel that you want after the landscape has been designed. If you use rocks with one tone and a soft finish, you will feel calm. However, small palm shaped rocks can bring back childhood memories when throwing rocks was fun. Sharp rocks with rough edges can be dangerous and therefore, make you more alert.

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