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Wellpets Kent: A Dangerous Type of Dog Cancer

Cancer is such a scary illness that when we hear it we think that only people suffer from this. Like men, canine cancer can emanate from different forms, acquire from several sources and with all sorts of diagnoses.

In layman's explanation cancer is the process wherein the division of a cell goes amiss. In the body there is a damaged cell or irregular DNA which breaks up and keeps on getting bigger beyond the needs of an average cell replacement. The purposeless lump that results is a tumor. The useless lump that is produced is called a tumor.

Like men there are countless reasons for the irregular separation of a cell. Chemical or environmental reasons may be the cause. Dogs may not be cigarette smokers or alcohol drinkers but they are exposed to the sun and may have come into contact with carcinogenic chemicals during their life time. Canine cancer may also be hereditary. However the abrasion of the DNA through the years may also be the reason. This is why cancers are most common in older dogs, and older people.

WellPets Kent - Signs of Dog Cancer

The blatant sign of cancer in a dog is some kind of a lump. But you might notice other symptoms, including weight loss and a lack of appetite, a general lethargy and a sense of decline. By this time veterinary professionals should take charge and make a prognosis. In case a lump is not seen by the naked eye an x-ray or scan may be required and when a lump is found a biopsy will be needed.

A minor procedure may done to remove the tumor but that would depend on its size and location. Usually the tumor is not life-threatening.
This suggests that it will continue to grow where it is presently located but has no indication that it will go in other places in the body.

Providing the tumor can easily be removed and has done no permanent damage to surrounding tissues or organs, a dog will usually make a full recovery.

Sometimes, however, the tumor may be €malignant€, with the potential for its abnormal cells to spread and grow new tumors elsewhere.Just as with humans these are the cases that can sadly prove fatal.

The treatment for canine cancer has progressed and improved a lot for the past decades and most of what the doctors have acquired and learnt have been pass on to the veterinary professionals.

Sometimes therapies and other medications may be used on dogs to cure them although these can have unfavorable effects on them. But the most important part is in the owner. The owner must provide love and care to their dogs that will make them feel at ease. The feeling of being love by their owner. Imagine the loyalty and the love that dogs gives to us in return we should also make them feel that way because it will definitely help them recover to their illnesses. It will also lessen the hurt that they feel because dogs have feelings that they also need someone to take care of them.

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