Health & Medical Diabetes

Cardiovascular Problems Due To Diabetes

Cardiovascular system is one of the most important systems in the human body.
It is comprised of the heart, blood and blood vessels.
Blood is being pumped out from the heart and is the one responsible in delivering oxygen and other nutrients to all the parts of the body.
It also cleans up our body by picking up the waste products on its way back to the heart so our body can get rid of them.
So what has diabetes got to do with the cardiovascular system? Can there be Cardiovascular Problems Due To Diabetes? Since blood is part of the cardiovascular system, and diabetes is a condition in which the level of glucose in the blood is higher than normal, then there must be some relationship between the two.
Diabetes and cardiovascular system diseases has been recognized to be closely related to each other for some time now due to the so-called insulin resistance syndrome or metabolic syndrome.
Among the 20 million people in the United States who has diabetes, around 5 to 6 million of this population who are aged 35 years and above were diagnosed to have a certain cardiovascular disease according to the National Diabetes Surveillance System.
Some examples of the commonly diagnosed cardiovascular disease are coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and other heart conditions.
Cardiovascular Problems Due To Diabetes are the major cause now of deaths related to diabetes.
In a study published few years back in the Journal of the American Medical Association, deaths due to some heart conditions went up by 23% in diabetic women despite the 27% drop of the same in nondiabetic women.
As for diabetic men, there is only about 13% decrease in heart disease related deaths as compared to the 36% drop in nondiabetics.
Thus, the two indeed go together.
Risk Factors Diabetes is now considered by the American Heart Association a major risk factor in cardiovascular diseases.
Other factors that contribute to the possibility of acquiring cardiovascular diseases in diabetic patients include hypertension, smoking, and dyslipidemia.

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