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Warning, Link Found Between Obesity and Depression

Dutch researchers led by Dr. Floriana S. Luppino, of Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands have found that there is a strong link between obesity and depression. They found that obesity increases the risk of depression in initially non-depressed individuals by a massive 55 percent.

This will worry many people of course as obesity is a bigger problem now than ever before in developed countries. The most worrying thing is that if an obese person does become depressed, the likelihood is that they will retreat into themselves and resort to comfort eating and very little exercise. This of course than increases their weight further and leaves them even more depressed and so places people in a very dangerous and damaging downward spiral.

Those people who are suffering from depression will obviously need to seek professional, medical assistance with their problems, but for those who are overweight and edging towards obesity, this research sends out a vey clear message €" ACT NOW! Because if you do not, you are not only putting your physical health at risk, you are also risking your mental health too.

Many people go through life ignoring their problems and burying their head in the sand but if you look at these statistics I'm sure you would agree that it would be foolish to ignore continuous weight gain. Tackling a small problem now may save you from having to tackle a huge problem in later life.

So what do you need to do? Well first of all I would say stay away from all the phoney information offered by the weight loss industry in their quest to sell you their latest pill or fad diet. You will find a ton of stuff on the internet selling you the latest €hot€ dieting product but the reality is that you just don't need it.

All you need to do instead is to adopt a health lifestyle. Does that sound daunting? Well it shouldn't because in reality it only means sorting out a couple of things, the food you eat and the amount of exercise you do.

Let's look at your diet first. If you eat lots of junk food from fast food outlets or if you eat processed foods, you will gain weight. They may be convenient but they are also very damaging for your waistline. Try to ditch these as much as possible in favour of fresh meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. You do not need to starve yourself and of course you will need to have the odd treat but cut down on the take-aways, the chocolate, saturated fat and sugary drinks.

Now lets take a look at the exercise you do. Now don't worry, I'm not about to suggest that you go and join a gym. The best form of exercising (especially for those new to the idea) is walking. Try getting off the bus a few stops early and walking the rest of the way to work or walking the kids to school. Next time you have a family day together, get the kids off the playstation and get them out for a walk. You never know they might even enjoy it.

Sort out your lifestyle by making the simple changes I've suggested an I'm sure that you'll be amazed by the results within a very short time.

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