Fat Acceptance - The Stresses Of Not Being Accepted Within A Lean Society
If you are bigger than other people, chances are that you do not really have a weight problem. Many people have bigger frames and are naturally more round than others. Trying to lose weight on your big frame may probably end up doing you more harm than good for your body, because you can wreck the natural balance of your body. More than likely; because you want to be accepted the way you are, emotional and social pressures of discrimination in society against overweight people make things worse.
As result of this lack of fat acceptance in society these pressures even start contributing to obesity because naturally born round people may start eating for comfort. This ends up being serious conditions that MUST now be addressed where as initially naturally big people DID NOT really have a problem. Fat people are not accepted as being normal, and the huge pressures from weight loss industries, in the media and advertising, socially, and even discrimination in the workplace against overweight people has become a bigger epidemic in society. The lack of simple fat acceptance and the realization that some of us are naturally more portly in stature than others is probably the reason that naturally overweight people under these pressures end up being obese.
Fat for Life
You probably never had a problem with your weight even though you were a lot bigger than other people since childhood days. Most people will accept the way they are but at some time or another you start noticing that you are singled out more than others. Unfortunately this can start in early days at school where bigger children are the target of teasing and snide remarks which can really hurt and even do psychological long term damage. The lack of fat acceptance as early as this can also result in diseases of anorexia and bulimia because of the self-loathing of your body.
The Happiness about the way you were now changes into you being acutely aware that you are rounder than others. In your efforts to lose weight you may begin pursuing all sorts of diets, supplements and eating programs that all end up adding to the misery. The reason you do this is because you want to be accepted socially and fit in. In the pursuit of fat acceptance you can end up becoming ill or alternatively give up and start eating for comfort or even in anger.
Although medically speaking being grossly overweight is unhealthy; trying to lose weight if you do not really need to, can also do just as much harm. If you are a certain weight, even being round around the edges, but have stopped gaining any more, then your body may have reached the natural balance according to your frame and constitution. If you are in good health, then rather accept this fact. Pressures to slim down because of social pressures can undo your good health and your once happy life will be one of misery pursuing every weight loss diet on the market.
Join a Fat Community
There are many social groups but few cater for the round and cuddly. A little research can help you find a community where you will be accepted. Fat acceptance communities will make you feel at home and allow you to interact with others that have accepted who they are. This interaction will help you lead a full balanced life and even find a partner that will love you because of your great personality and because there is a whole lot more of you to love.
As result of this lack of fat acceptance in society these pressures even start contributing to obesity because naturally born round people may start eating for comfort. This ends up being serious conditions that MUST now be addressed where as initially naturally big people DID NOT really have a problem. Fat people are not accepted as being normal, and the huge pressures from weight loss industries, in the media and advertising, socially, and even discrimination in the workplace against overweight people has become a bigger epidemic in society. The lack of simple fat acceptance and the realization that some of us are naturally more portly in stature than others is probably the reason that naturally overweight people under these pressures end up being obese.
Fat for Life
You probably never had a problem with your weight even though you were a lot bigger than other people since childhood days. Most people will accept the way they are but at some time or another you start noticing that you are singled out more than others. Unfortunately this can start in early days at school where bigger children are the target of teasing and snide remarks which can really hurt and even do psychological long term damage. The lack of fat acceptance as early as this can also result in diseases of anorexia and bulimia because of the self-loathing of your body.
The Happiness about the way you were now changes into you being acutely aware that you are rounder than others. In your efforts to lose weight you may begin pursuing all sorts of diets, supplements and eating programs that all end up adding to the misery. The reason you do this is because you want to be accepted socially and fit in. In the pursuit of fat acceptance you can end up becoming ill or alternatively give up and start eating for comfort or even in anger.
Although medically speaking being grossly overweight is unhealthy; trying to lose weight if you do not really need to, can also do just as much harm. If you are a certain weight, even being round around the edges, but have stopped gaining any more, then your body may have reached the natural balance according to your frame and constitution. If you are in good health, then rather accept this fact. Pressures to slim down because of social pressures can undo your good health and your once happy life will be one of misery pursuing every weight loss diet on the market.
Join a Fat Community
There are many social groups but few cater for the round and cuddly. A little research can help you find a community where you will be accepted. Fat acceptance communities will make you feel at home and allow you to interact with others that have accepted who they are. This interaction will help you lead a full balanced life and even find a partner that will love you because of your great personality and because there is a whole lot more of you to love.