Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

HTC Desire Still Trumps the HTC Range

The most advanced mobile phone to be released by HTC to date is still one of the best selling models on the market and is helping push the manufacturers market share.
The HTC Desire is an own brand version of the Google Nexus One which is also manufactured by HTC for Google, the Desire however offers a better hardware and feature set with stark differences in the user interface and main navigation button.
The Desire uses the HTC Sense user interface which has been so well adopted by HTC users, it also opts for an optical trackpad as opposed to the physical rubberised trackball of the Nexus One which not only makes for easy finger swipe navigation but also a far more robust solution with less wear and tear.
Joining this top of the range handset is the HTC Legend and HTC Wildfire both offering a smaller frame and 3.
2 inch touch screen display.
Both of these new models are a more pocket friendly option to the massive 3.
7 inch AMOLED display of the Desire but do sacrifice in some areas to keep costs down.
The Wildfire looks far more like the Desire than the Legend with the latter taking on the 'chin' design of the previous HTC Hero handset and further improving on the previous phones feature set.
The HTC Wildfire seems set to be a big seller by offering not only similar looks to the Desire but also a very similar feature set.
The 5.
0 mega pixel camera, Android 2.
1 operating system, HTC Sense user interface and Friend Stream application are present in both phones but the Wildfire does not need the large processing power of the Desire to power its large touch screen and also negates the AMOLED technology making for a far more affordable and compact version.
The HTC Wildfire will appeal to anyone on a budget who does not want to sacrifice on looks and features, it is to be available in brown, graphite, black, white and red colour schemes with the graphite edition already available on Vodafone and O2 deals.
The HTC Desire has also now been released in a new colour variant, the original model was finished in a brown colour scheme which has now been joined by the HTC Desire black edition, this new model changes none of the high specification features of the phone but simply the outer casing to a new seductive all black finish.

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