Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Finding a Healthy Relationship

Finding a partner for life is not easy.
Making it a good relationship can be even harder.
We all would like a loving partner in life that would make a relationship perfect.
Well, life is not perfect, and life throws many challenges at us.
Many times we can use some advice from family members, or friends in dealing with everyday life experiences.
Ultimately, it will be our final decision.
It is normal to want a companion that will bring you all the love, joy, sex, and energy that a healthy relationship has to offer.
In order for a person to put their best effort, they must make a consistent effort to make the relationship work in all areas.
Everyone is going to make mistakes, and that is a normal thing.
But there are mistakes that can be very detrimental to a persons life of they are not careful.
For one, jumping into bed before you have had a chance for the relationship to grow can bring on a pregnancy that may have not been expected.
Moving in with with a new partner within the first year can also bring on problems.
It is very important to note that by allowing a relationship to grow and develop, you are bringing in the type of knowledge and understanding that you may not get if you are to fast track a relationship.
And yes, this means sex, and this means moving in, and this means getting married right away also.
Staying in a relationship that does not consist of the "Fast Track" motion can help you to really get to know your partner.
Whether it's laughter, the crying, or the simple gesture of knowing they care that makes your heart skip a beat, developing a relationship takes a lot of work from both partners.
A healthy relationship consists of trust.
If the trust is broken, it can be the end all for the relationship.
This is not to say that it is not fixable, but in all reality, who wants to be in a relationship that has a trust issue or no trust at all.
This is a huge reason why marriage along with a pregnancy should be avoided until the relationship has had time to develop.
Attitude and character is another aspect that needs to be looked at when you are in a relationship.
If you are with a person that constantly teases you, mocks you, or ridicules you, that is a relationship that is not healthy.
You may want to get out as soon as possible.
If you find that your partner totally belittles you in any way, that is grounds for reassessment.
You must take action on this immediately.
If you are not able to correct such behavior, then this may not be the partner for you.
One must understand that if action is not taken early in the partnership, then you may be headed for disaster.
The respect factor can make or break a relationship.
Everyone deserves love, happiness, and most of all respect.

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