Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

5 Steps to Symptoms of Increasing Yeast Infection

The symptoms you get after the Yeast-Infection, also known as Candida, has got into your system are used to be characterized of poor digestion, swelled abdomen and other common digestive ailments. But the most challenge of the changing symptoms with Candida is the mental ill it causes. The toxins that are related to yeast can cause crying, anxiety, depression, oblivion and impaired intellectual capacity, just to mention some few...

A person with these symptoms that does seek help in the ordinary hospital is often sent away fast to a psychologist, which seeks a psychological source for the problems. De largest problems have with the psychological effects of Candida overgrowth to do. Chemical poison substances that are produced by the Candida fungus inhibit the production of acetylcholine (that's one of the most important signal substances in the brain). That affects the autonomic nervous system and gives the haunted person a feeling of being confused or "dizzy". Even the short-term memory will deteriorate. It can lead to depression, anxiety, worry and concentration difficulties.

It's consequently chemical reasons that does that you feel like you do. These symptoms lead often to that doctors gives anti depressive or depressant medicines. These medicines are going to stimulate the Candida and the symptoms are going to grow worse.

Naturopathic Dr. Kurt Donsbash from USA claims that, the development of symptoms of chronically candidiasis often come in 5 steps or stages:

1. Abnormal fatigue

2. Concentration difficulties

3. An allergy that develops successive get's wider

4. "The universal reaction phenomenon" appears. You are now so allergic that you practically react on all smell, aliment, and materials in your environment

5. This is the beginning of the mental backsliding, with deep depressions and suicide thoughts

Usual signals with Candida over growth:

Stomach and digestive tract
Digestive problems can be a direct result of yeast fungus over growth. Water brash and acid reflux is often presence with Candida colonies in the throat. A recurring need to eat antacid can often be a sign of Candida in the stomach.

Following symptoms indicates often Candida over growth:

* Skin problems: acne, ringworm, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, athlete's foot, itching, easy bruising, fungal nail conditions.

* Digestive tract problems: abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion or heartburn, intestinal gas, bloating, belching, mucus in stools, rash or blisters in the mouth (oral thrush), painful oesophagus, rectal irritation, food sensitivity or intolerance, dry mouth or throat, bad breath.

* Reproductive system problems: irritation or discharge (thrush), vaginal burning, infertility, endometriosis, period pains, menstrual irregularities, premenstrual tension, breast tenderness, loss of sexual feeling. In men: impotence, prostatitis.

* Urinary problems: urgency, burning, frequency.

* Eyes, ears, nose, throat and chest problems: nasal congestion, post-nasal drip (catarrh or mucus running down back of throat), sore throat, itchy nose, laryngitis, loss of voice, cough, recurrent bronchitis, pain or tightness in the chest, wheezing, shortness of breath, asthma, burning or watering eyes, erratic vision, spots in front of eyes, ear pain, fluids in ears, recurrent infections in ears, deafness, sinusitis, dizziness, loss of balance.

* Problems with joints, muscles and nervous system: muscle weakness, muscle aches, paralysis, painful joints, swollen joints, numbness, burning or tingling.

* Problems affecting the mind and body: feeling drained, lethargy, fatigue, depression, poor memory, feeling *unreal*, inability to make decisions, panic, attacks of anxiety, attacks of crying, drowsiness, jitteriness, irritability, lack of co-ordination, mood swings, inability to concentrate, pressure above the ears, a feeling of head swelling, insomnia.

* Poor Circulation problems: cold hand and feet, general chilliness.

* Other problems: shakiness or irritability when hungry, body odour which is not relieved by washing.

Other problems could occur as well, because Candida is a health problem that weakens your entire immune system! But this are very good guidelines if you want to know if you have a problem with yeast infections.

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