Compatibility Shared by Gemini and Cancer
Gemini is the third zodiac signs of the 12 and is considered to be a masculine sign.
The span of Gemini is from May 21 to June 10 and all Gemini men and women are very versatile in nature.
Totally opposite of Gemini which is a positive masculine sign, Cancer is a negative feminine sign.
Cancer men are women have birth dates from July 16 to August 15.
Gemini is air sign but Cancer is water sign.
Gemini and Cancer are ruled by the Mercury and the moon respectively.
The compatibility of Gemini and Cancer partners depends on the position of the spheres, especially their dominant one.
Gemini Cancer Compatibility is not exactly a match made in heaven because of their contradictory personalities.
Compatibility between Gemini Women and Cancer Men Gemini and Cancer are quite opposite in nature and this can be a cause of closeness or attraction to them.
Though if not given proper time and understanding the relationship may not work.
Gemini compatibility with Cancer often lacks in proper love and care because cancer men always have high expectations.
Compatibility of Cancer men demands much time and care from their partners.
But Gemini women do not have the instinct to show affection and attention.
Their interests also vary from each other which can be a hindrance to a successful relationship.
Gemini women believe that variety adds spice in their life.
But the same thing makes Cancer men feel tremendously insecure.
Cancer men are emotional and very sensitive in nature.
But Gemini women are logical and more practical.
Gemini compatibility with Cancer also becomes unstable because Gemini women are flirtatious.
Their enthusiasm, zeal and charming personality can attract other men which make Cancer men feel insecure in their relationship.
But if Gemini women and Cancer men want to have a successful relationship then both of them have to make adjustments.
Both of them should accept each others nature.
As they do not share a good compatibility by nature, but it can be cultivated by the share of understanding.
Compatibility between Cancer Women and Gemini Men Cancer compatibility with Gemini is sometimes hard because they do not share similar interests.
But we must not rule out the possibility that the conflicts of nature may serve as the matter of attraction.
These opposite sides may help to complement each one another and improve their compatibility.
Gemini men are outgoing, open and gregarious.
This may attract Cancer women as these are completely opposite of them.
But their strong sense of excessive freedom and rejecting bondage may be a matter of apprehension to the soft Cancer women.
Gemini men like to talk, make friends, go in vacations and be flirtatious.
On the other hand Cancer women love to be in their home, spend some quality and personal time with their partners.
Cancer women feel emptiness when they are not surrounded by their male partners.
Gemini men are not very attached to their homes so it may develop a sense of barrenness in Cancer women.
Cancer has rapid mood swings and they are often overwhelmed with emotions.
While Gemini is quiet constant in their sanguine mood.
The positive thing is that Cancer women can be affected positively by their male partner's cheerful mood.
Cancer women want assurance in relationship and Gemini men want variety.
Their relationship can still be a success if they are willing to understand and compromise.
The span of Gemini is from May 21 to June 10 and all Gemini men and women are very versatile in nature.
Totally opposite of Gemini which is a positive masculine sign, Cancer is a negative feminine sign.
Cancer men are women have birth dates from July 16 to August 15.
Gemini is air sign but Cancer is water sign.
Gemini and Cancer are ruled by the Mercury and the moon respectively.
The compatibility of Gemini and Cancer partners depends on the position of the spheres, especially their dominant one.
Gemini Cancer Compatibility is not exactly a match made in heaven because of their contradictory personalities.
Compatibility between Gemini Women and Cancer Men Gemini and Cancer are quite opposite in nature and this can be a cause of closeness or attraction to them.
Though if not given proper time and understanding the relationship may not work.
Gemini compatibility with Cancer often lacks in proper love and care because cancer men always have high expectations.
Compatibility of Cancer men demands much time and care from their partners.
But Gemini women do not have the instinct to show affection and attention.
Their interests also vary from each other which can be a hindrance to a successful relationship.
Gemini women believe that variety adds spice in their life.
But the same thing makes Cancer men feel tremendously insecure.
Cancer men are emotional and very sensitive in nature.
But Gemini women are logical and more practical.
Gemini compatibility with Cancer also becomes unstable because Gemini women are flirtatious.
Their enthusiasm, zeal and charming personality can attract other men which make Cancer men feel insecure in their relationship.
But if Gemini women and Cancer men want to have a successful relationship then both of them have to make adjustments.
Both of them should accept each others nature.
As they do not share a good compatibility by nature, but it can be cultivated by the share of understanding.
Compatibility between Cancer Women and Gemini Men Cancer compatibility with Gemini is sometimes hard because they do not share similar interests.
But we must not rule out the possibility that the conflicts of nature may serve as the matter of attraction.
These opposite sides may help to complement each one another and improve their compatibility.
Gemini men are outgoing, open and gregarious.
This may attract Cancer women as these are completely opposite of them.
But their strong sense of excessive freedom and rejecting bondage may be a matter of apprehension to the soft Cancer women.
Gemini men like to talk, make friends, go in vacations and be flirtatious.
On the other hand Cancer women love to be in their home, spend some quality and personal time with their partners.
Cancer women feel emptiness when they are not surrounded by their male partners.
Gemini men are not very attached to their homes so it may develop a sense of barrenness in Cancer women.
Cancer has rapid mood swings and they are often overwhelmed with emotions.
While Gemini is quiet constant in their sanguine mood.
The positive thing is that Cancer women can be affected positively by their male partner's cheerful mood.
Cancer women want assurance in relationship and Gemini men want variety.
Their relationship can still be a success if they are willing to understand and compromise.