Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

The Brian Johnson Commission Ritual Niche Marketing System Review

Jeff and myself purchased the Brian Johnson Commission Ritual Niche Marketing System a couple of months ago back in July of 2009. In this review I won't be rewriting parts of the sales letter or reading from the site, this is coming straight from me as someone who purchased the course and actually went through almost all of the 90 videos he offers.

First of all I'll tell you that the Commission Ritual Niche Marketing System comes with about 90 videos. He also gives you some Word Press Themes to download and use as well. The first set of videos he goes over a lot of tools, some free and some you need to pay for, which covers keyword research in depth. Out of curiosity I watched all of these but in my opinion you can do the same level of keyword research with Market Samurai. Anyone that's a serious user of Market Samurai can level with me here.

But, during a few of these videos, he gave some really great tips we use on our authority blog regarding how to set them up from an SEO Perspective. There were also a couple of research techniques we missed like finding products on ebay and Google Insights. Fair enough. He also goes over the importance of learning and submitting videos. You can use Traffic Geyser but you don't need to. Tube Mogul is free and should be enough if you are just starting out. Once some money flows in you can always upgrade to Traffic Geyser.

Anyway the next set of Commission Ritual videos we learned a ton of great info from. He went into detail regarding each setting of a Word Press Blog. And if you are brand new to Blogging and need to learn the basics these videos will be your lifeline. I must have learned a dozen or so little tips which included a special permalink setting that turns your files to .html files. Very great info indeed.

The next set of Commission Ritual videos focuses on how to get backlinks to your Niche Marketing Blogs you setup. These are very innovative ways that take work, but work. One of the things Brian Johnson mentions in his videos, and it is the truth, is that if anyone comes out with a system that says there is no real work involved to teach you bona-fide stable methods on getting traffic, they are taking you down a road you don't want to go.

Your ability to succeed on the Internet long-term will be directly related to your Niche Marketing IQ. So the key is to not follow all the fast buck methods but to pick a few good mentors who make thousands per month doing what you want to do. Then learn everything you can from them. You may choose to go in the exact direction Brian is or detour a bit but the point is knowledge opens doors.

The cool thing is these days you can obtain this knowledge through video instruction and don't have to get it at a University anymore. The Commission Ritual Course focuses on Niche Marketing. Brian Johnson's theory is to build a lot of small sites to earn a great income. I've decided to focus on a small handful of authority sites like 2-3 for my marketing career. These are 2 different schools of thought and neither of us are necessarily more right or wrong.

So the point I'm making is the knowledge in Commission Ritual that I was able to pick up has already paid itself off. It also reassured me that the authority site we are building is on the right track. And the 30 or so solid tips I picked up in his course will ensure that within 2-3 years our main sites will all reach their traffic goals so we can really retire without any money worries. Yes, based on all of this I do highly recommend it.

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