Society & Culture & Entertainment Movies

Interview with Director Doug Liman from the "Mr and Mrs Smith" Premiere

Doug Liman on the Dancing in ?Mr and Mrs Smith:? The production notes for ?Mr and Mrs Smith? say Liman?s toughest scene to direct was a dance sequence. Not so says the director. Liman?s not sure how that story got started. ?I think there was a pretty complicated story about directing one of the specific dancing sequences where we didn?t have time for rehearsals and I had to really wing it on the spot.

And that was a huge challenge to have the whole crew waiting and be under that pressure to figure out a way to choreograph a dance between Brad and Angie on the spot with no rehearsal. But that?s the first dance sequence that?s in the movie and I?m extremely proud of the final result.?
Liman on Balancing the Romantic Comedy Elements and the Action Scenes: ?This film is definitely a romantic comedy and I balance the romantic comedy with the action by making the action sequences a critical component of the romance. If you removed any single action sequence from this movie, the love story would have a hole in it. And that?s what makes Simon Kinberg?s script so special.

The other extraordinary thing about this movie is Simon Kinberg, a young Hollywood screenwriter, he wrote the first draft. He wrote the last draft. All the other summer movies that come out this summer are probably going to have 20 screenwriter names on them. But there?s going to be one guy who walks down this red carpet who is the screenwriter.

Just one guy, and that?s, I think, what gives the film its authenticity and its sort of? Despite all the explosions there?s an intimacy to the movie. I credit that to Simon Kinberg.?

Will We See More of Mr and Mrs Smith?: ??I think there will be a sequel. Brad [Pitt] and Angie [Jolie] will definitely do another movie together because we have not seen an on-screen pairing this hot since Hepburn and Tracy.?

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