Health & Medical Medicine

Effective Warts Treatments

For those of us with the HPV virus, deciding on the best wart treatment can be difficult and confusing. There are many different wart removal treatments available, some for genital warts, other for common and plantar warts. First and foremost, we must understand which type of warts we're dealing with. The removal solution that may work for one case may not necessarily work for another case. Plantar and common wart removal can be done safely at home with approved products, but it's always best to consult a doctor just to be on the safe side. Depending on how advanced the condition is, prescription medication may not be needed. A proven home wart removal solution may do the trick. Also, we must not make hasty decisions when deciding on treatment. For instance, many people have tried the "duct tape" removal method and results have not been good to say the least. In some cases, the warts come back in a more aggressive fashion, leaving those infected with yet another problem to deal with. Warts can spread very easily to other areas of the body, and to other people, so cleanliness is very important. Scratching, picking, and pulling at warts is not recommended, as this will only make the situation worse. In order to keep your warts from spreading to sexual partners, always use protection, and keep your hands clean. There are several different remedies, medications and solutions to dealing with warts, the best advice is to first see a doctor for diagnosis, and carefully choose the right treatment for yourself. Salicylic acid is widely recommended in treatments for common and plantar wart removal, but salicylic acid is not recommended for those with diabetes. Also, we must understand that more than one treatment may be needed as severity and types of warts may require different approaches. Warts can appear and disappear without notice, but ignoring warts isnt recomended. No matter how small or large, any type of wart should be paid attention to. Ignoring warts can lead to long term problems, especially genital warts. Once again patience is they key when treating warts, some may respond to treatment quickly, others may not, even in the same person. For instance, a plantar wart may start to subside after two weeks of treatment,while a common wart on your hand may take a little longer to respond. A popular treatment for warts is freezing them, but this approach is also to be used with caution. The most important thing to remember is not to let your treatment be worse than the disease. Many people have gone so overboard in treating their warts that the skin surrounding the warts has been permanently damaged, and to their frustration, the wart still remains. Unless warts are large and uncomfortable, surgery should be avoided, as it is more expensive than over the counter treatments and the wart may reappear at a later time.The most effective treatment is the one that works for you, remember to be patient and follow directions in any wart removal application.

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