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Using Frequency Manipulation To Create Sound Effects

Before you can begin creating professional, top-of-the-line sound effects, it is imperative to have a basic understanding of sound frequency. Generally referred to as audio frequency or audible frequency, sound frequency is simply the range of vibrations heard and/or discerned by the average human ear.

While the precise frequencies that can be heard varies widely from person to person and also depends on environmental factors, the standard range of human auditory frequencies is between 20 and 20,000 hertz. Numbers on the lower end of the frequency scale reflect lower frequencies (think bass) and higher frequencies (think screeching tires) are on the higher end of the frequency scale.

To create sound effects using electronic sound manipulating equipment, you generally manipulate existing sounds by changing their frequency to attain the sound you desire. Let’s face it, creating just the right combination of sound effects for any project, whether film, radio, video games, television, or multimedia, can be a daunting task. Even if you know exactly what sound effects you are looking to achieve, creating the precise sound you have in mind may, at times, seem impossible. To create professional sounding sound effects you will need some basic equipment that contains standard controls. Understanding these controls and more specifically what they contribute to the creation of your coveted sound effects is a great first step for any aspiring sound engineer.

- Level/Gain: This control is designed to allow you to attenuate or amplify a given set of frequencies.

- Cutoff Frequency/Cutoff Point: This is the point in which a filter begins to affect the sound in question. It is used for determining the part of the frequency spectrum the filter works on.

- Attenuation: Reduces the targeted frequency(ies).

- Bandwidth/Q/Emphasis/Resonance/Peak: Effects the range of frequencies from each side of the cutoff point (measured in Hertz) related to frequency.

Using the Tools at your Disposal

Creating professional sounding sound effects goes above and beyond simply having the right tools. Sound designers who not only have the right tools, but also know how to properly use them create the best sound effects. It is more important to know how to use the tools of your trade than to have the best equipment on the market. In fact, it is possible to create impressive sound effects using dinosaur-esque recording, mixing and editing equipment. However, having the best of the best is a definite plus.

How to Properly Control Sound Effects

If you expect to properly control sound effects, let alone begin to build or add to your sound effects library, you will need to familiarize yourself with the different types of EQ (which is an abbreviation for audio equalizing equipment). There are five basic types that you will work with in the sound lab.

- Fixed EQ: A single control, i.e. bass or treble. With the Fixed EQ, the cutoff frequency is fixed and all you control are the amounts of boost or cut.

- Graphic EQ: Generally found on HiFi systems, they are divided into a series of bands that allow you to make cut and boost individually. They are used to divide the spectrum up into any predetermined number of bands, and then control each band individually.

- Paragraphic EQ: This is something of a hybrid EQ that allows users to manipulate sound effects on several bands and with user defined frequency bands.

- Parametric EQ: This EQ is designed to allow the user to change the frequency of the bands with ease – typically, it will have 3-4 bands, each with the ability to control cutoff frequency, bandwidth and level. This allows you to manipulate specific frequencies within a fairly tight range for your sound effects.

- Sweeping EQ: This is a middle ground EQ that falls between the simplest Fixed EQ and a Parametric EQ. It gives those building their sound effects libraries the ability to fix the center bandwidth and control the center frequency. This is a very common EQ, and it is found of the majority of mixers.

In Conclusion

Using EQ to manipulate sound is a common means to create fluid sounds for use in music, as well as sound effects for use in movies and other media. While many sound effects can be created using EQ in a studio, in order to create a comprehensive sound effects library, you will have to expand your methods even further. This would involve recording natural and manually created sounds both on and off location.

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