Health & Medical Health Care

UTI Treatment That Works

Millions of people, both men and women, suffer from urinary tract infections, also known as UTIs, every year.
A urinary tract infection is caused by an infection in the urethra, and is most usually caused by the E.
coli bacteria, which lives naturally in the colon.
If the UTI is not caught early and treated properly, it can spread to the bladder and result in a bladder infection and even a serious kidney infection.
If you have a urinary tract infection, you want to find a UTI treatment that works to prevent your infection from spreading.
The first step in UTI treatment is to catch the infection early, and this means you need to know the symptoms.
UTI symptoms include a frequent urge to urinated, and pain or burning during urination.
Some people may feel tired, shaky, and pain when not urinating, too.
Occasionally, the urine may look reddish, cloudy, or milky.
Sometimes there may be pain in the back, and nausea and vomiting may also be present.
At the first sign of a UTI, you should head to your doctor to ensure you actually have a urinary tract infection and not some other illness or disease.
If your doctor confirms your suspicions and says that you do in fact have a UTI, he or she likely will prescribe a medication for an expensive antibiotic.
Most people do find relief from their symptoms when a prescribed antibiotic is used as a UTI treatment.
However, these prescription drugs are often expensive and have side effects.
Further, up to 25% of the cases of UTIs that are treated with antibiotics recur shortly after the prescription medication treatment is completed.
Many people have had success with natural treatment options for UTIs, and these should be reviewed in detail as a natural and effective alternative to prescription drugs.

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