Book Video Starting Tips
An excellent way to convey or assemble thoughts regarding the imagery of a book video is to start a lightbox.
A lightbox is a special folder made available through an online image service, like iStockPhoto, where one can store selected pictures, illustrations and videos.
Most services allow users to send their lightboxes to others via a link in email.
Even if the majority of images in a lightbox never get used, the collection will help rustle up a theme, stimulate creative ideas and perhaps most importantly, communicate a mental image of an author's goals to an artist or organization providing creative services for videos, illustration and cover art.
Since the majority of time creating a video is spent with conceptualization, hunting down images, finding music, casting voice talent, etc.
, an author's participation can speed things along if they've elected to outsource the project to a professional.
Plus, it's a heck of a good way to save money and to have direct input in the production.
Once a storyboard is in place, authors could post scripts and review voice talent demos, sift through royalty free music online, and fill up a lightbox with relative images.
A great place to find voice talent is Voice123.
iStockPhoto is one of the more popular sites for obtaining images.
And Opuzz and UniqueTracks provide a diverse selection of royalty free music.
Creating a book video is not only an incredibly effective way to generate a buzz; it's a thrilling process that should be fun, educational and affordable.
A lightbox is a special folder made available through an online image service, like iStockPhoto, where one can store selected pictures, illustrations and videos.
Most services allow users to send their lightboxes to others via a link in email.
Even if the majority of images in a lightbox never get used, the collection will help rustle up a theme, stimulate creative ideas and perhaps most importantly, communicate a mental image of an author's goals to an artist or organization providing creative services for videos, illustration and cover art.
Since the majority of time creating a video is spent with conceptualization, hunting down images, finding music, casting voice talent, etc.
, an author's participation can speed things along if they've elected to outsource the project to a professional.
Plus, it's a heck of a good way to save money and to have direct input in the production.
Once a storyboard is in place, authors could post scripts and review voice talent demos, sift through royalty free music online, and fill up a lightbox with relative images.
A great place to find voice talent is Voice123.
iStockPhoto is one of the more popular sites for obtaining images.
And Opuzz and UniqueTracks provide a diverse selection of royalty free music.
Creating a book video is not only an incredibly effective way to generate a buzz; it's a thrilling process that should be fun, educational and affordable.