Diabetes Symptoms - The Basics
You may have noticed that the disease of diabetes has been a lot in the news lately, and no wonder since it is one of the fastest increasing diseases in the world today.
In its most basic form, diabetes is simply the inability of the body to handle the internal chemical insulin, which makes it hard for the body to convert carbohydrates into energy, thereby resulting in having either too much or too little sugar in your system.
Diabetes can be a very serious medical condition, and learning how to control diabetes symptoms is essential for those who want to lead a normal life despite being diagnosed as a diabetic.
It is important to understand what kind of diabetes you have.
Diabetes comes in two forms, commonly called Type 1 and Type 2.
The more serious and difficult to treat form is Type 1, which results in an inability by the body to produce any significant amount of insulin.
Therefore injections of insulin have to be made on a regular basis.
It is not uncommon for Type 1 to surface before the age of 20, and while the causes of diabetes symptoms are not fully understood, suspected factors include chemicals, toxins and bacteria.
Some suspect that drinking cow's milk as an infant can increase the risk of developing diabetes later in life.
The other form of diabetes, Type 2, is easier to treat because the causes are better understood and there are known ways to minimize the symptoms.
Ninety percent of all diabetics are in the Type 2 category.
In eighty percent of the cases, being overweight is the number one factor leading to diabetes symptoms.
Unless proper action is taken, Type 2 diabetes will eventually evolve into the more dangerous Type 1 form.
Sadly, there is no known cure for diabetes.
But fortunately both forms of diabetes, and especially Type 2, can be controlled by a variety of means.
Chief among them are diet and exercise.
Certain foods are known to be especially difficult to diabetics to handle, so knowing what foods your body handles best is a key component to maximizing insulin effectiveness.
Since, being overweight is the main reason for most Type 2 diabetes, having a sensible diet is also crucial to successfully losing any excess weight.
Proper exercise is also extremely important in successful weight control and helping to prevent the blood circulation problems that sometimes arise with diabetes.
Diabetes is a killer so please take note.
In its most basic form, diabetes is simply the inability of the body to handle the internal chemical insulin, which makes it hard for the body to convert carbohydrates into energy, thereby resulting in having either too much or too little sugar in your system.
Diabetes can be a very serious medical condition, and learning how to control diabetes symptoms is essential for those who want to lead a normal life despite being diagnosed as a diabetic.
It is important to understand what kind of diabetes you have.
Diabetes comes in two forms, commonly called Type 1 and Type 2.
The more serious and difficult to treat form is Type 1, which results in an inability by the body to produce any significant amount of insulin.
Therefore injections of insulin have to be made on a regular basis.
It is not uncommon for Type 1 to surface before the age of 20, and while the causes of diabetes symptoms are not fully understood, suspected factors include chemicals, toxins and bacteria.
Some suspect that drinking cow's milk as an infant can increase the risk of developing diabetes later in life.
The other form of diabetes, Type 2, is easier to treat because the causes are better understood and there are known ways to minimize the symptoms.
Ninety percent of all diabetics are in the Type 2 category.
In eighty percent of the cases, being overweight is the number one factor leading to diabetes symptoms.
Unless proper action is taken, Type 2 diabetes will eventually evolve into the more dangerous Type 1 form.
Sadly, there is no known cure for diabetes.
But fortunately both forms of diabetes, and especially Type 2, can be controlled by a variety of means.
Chief among them are diet and exercise.
Certain foods are known to be especially difficult to diabetics to handle, so knowing what foods your body handles best is a key component to maximizing insulin effectiveness.
Since, being overweight is the main reason for most Type 2 diabetes, having a sensible diet is also crucial to successfully losing any excess weight.
Proper exercise is also extremely important in successful weight control and helping to prevent the blood circulation problems that sometimes arise with diabetes.
Diabetes is a killer so please take note.