Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Sharing Time - Tithing

Object: Are you going to cheat your Heavenly Father out of the full tithes that you are to pay?

Preparation: Print out the clipart (listed below) or make your own images.

Directions: Explain how tithing works. Then illustrate using the ten good apples that the Lord has blessed you with. Show how you are going to give one apple back to the Lord, but because you really want something (make up an item) you just need to keep a little from the Lord.

Then show the apple with the bite in it and how that represents not giving a full tithing.

Clipart by Rachel Bruner:
Print out 10 apples, choose a type:Print ONE apple with a bite out of it:Note: A fun alternative would be to use real apples and take an actual bite out of one of the apples during the lesson.

Idea Submitted by: Debbie

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