Health & Medical Nutrition

Healthy Food - Making Your Future

Many people treat their bodies like a trash can and eat everything, anything and anytime. Treat your body well and it will give you back the same. Eating healthy food has immediate as well as many long term effects. Recently few have realized the need to eat healthy and have taken one step forward and step up healthy food stores. This has made it a more accessible to the common man. But, yet there are very few such stores. People must know about the importance of nutrition and food so they would go out and buy from them, thus giving a boost to their business. Let us see why we must eat healthy:
€ Firstly and obviously you lose weight. If you are not looking to particularly lose weight, it atleast maintains your weight.
€ It makes you look good. This is in relation with the above mentioned point. If you eat healthily and well, your body is bound to respond to it and display good result. It helps you maintain a good figure and also keeps the skin glowing. If you eat junk, unhealthy, oily or outside food for even a week at a stretch, you will notice that your skin will start getting pimples and there will be no glow on it. It will just look plain dull. It fresh fruits and vegetables is a well known remedy for good skin.
€ Energy: Eating healthy will keep you more energetic. On the other hand, eating unhealthy will only make you more lethargic. This happens because the high fat and calorie content causes a spurt in energy which then crashes abruptly. You must eat small quantities of healthy food at regular intervals. This will keep your metabolism and digestion running, thus keeping you energetic.
€ Immunity: It has been seen that certain food contains antioxidants that can fight cancer. Also, it prevents diseases from attacking your body easily as it builds immunity. Healthy nutrition and food prevents diseases like diabetes or coronary heart disease as it also prevents diabetes.
€ Live Longer: All in all as healthy food prevents obesity and various diseases and also keeps you energetic you are bound to live not only a longer but also a healthier life.
€ Save Money: And last but not the least you save money. Junk or on- the- go food is much more expensive than healthy food. You rather eat home- made food and keep healthy. For a quick snack you can keep salads or sandwiches or even fresh fruits ready.

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